Goobos Species in Kingdoms of the Captive Sea | World Anvil


Nasty, brutish and short; goobos lives are a lot like the goobos themselves.   Goobos are considered by most peoples as the lowest of the intelligent races, and that includes the opinions of the goobos themselves.   To say that goobos hate themselves is to underestimate how much selfloathing they have. Most goobos would choose death over their own continued existence. Strangely though, suicide is rare among goobos. This is because of their religious beliefs.   Goobos believe that what kills you is what you become in your next life, so goobos do not kill themselves, as that means they would come back a goobos. But goobos do deliberately work at getting other thinking beings to murder them, as they believe they will return as something, anything else.   Their short lifespans, coupled with their high degree of selfloathing, means that goobos are unique in that their are no known accendent goobos.

Basic Information


Like all New Children, goobos have four limbs. two lower for locamotion, and two upper for manipulation. Legs and arms tend to be scrawny with a thick torso mass. Large hands and feet do little to balance their bodies.   To say goobos are ugly is difficult, they rarely rise to a level that can be called ugly. Most goobos are downright hideous. This is partially because goobos value the ability to push others around over any physical appearance, and partially because goobos females are rarely choosy in their mates.   Large noses, something they get from their Smalin ancestory, and jutting tusks, often broken from missuse or violence, dominate their faces, with beady little eyes set slightly far apart to complete the look. Where they com by the flat pointed ears is anyone's guess.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gestation in goobos is very short, three months with the female giving birth to three to four offspring. Goobos can run within minutes of their birth, which is for the best, as adult sometimes consider them a food source. The process of birthing a litter is tiring for the mother, and females rather commonly die in childbirth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Childhood among goobos is short, five to eight years to sexual maturity. Gooblins, (the Gahgrin word for children,) typically are left to their own devices, as the parents rarely care enough about their offspring to nuture them.   Adulthood among goobos can last up to 20-25 years. It is extremely rare for a goobos to live past thge age 35, and most die to violence before their tenth birthday.

Ecology and Habitats

Most goobos live in dingy, unkept surroundings. They do not clean them, and commonly throw garbage of all sorts around the space.


Goobos hate themselves. Goobos, as a race, suffer from a pretty extreme form of depression, considering themselves to be the lowest of the peoples of Pyroeis.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A smart goobos is always nervous, so over time, the senses of the race have become very sensitive, Most goobos can see very well in almost pitch blackness and can here and smell things for miles around them.   Goobos sense of taste and touch, on the other hand, is very limited. In fact, goobos mostly lack tastebuds, making it difficult for a goobos to know when it has eaten enough.   Goobos thick skin, a trait they inherit from their Urk ancestors, makes it difficult to tell when they have taken damage, and it is not unheard of for a goobos to bleed to death without knowing theyhave been injured.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Goobos are considered by most species, including other goobos, as intelligent pests, to be killed off at most opportunities. Communities have been known to make exceptions for extraordinary individuals.

Cover image: Goobos: a case study. by Untamed Draws (Ammar B Rizwan)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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