Beast Men Ethnicity in Kingdoms of the Captive Sea | World Anvil

Beast Men

The first thinking races of Pyroeis were the Beast Men. Raised from the creatures of the fields, the Beast Men live relatively short lives, the longest-lived of them are the Purriah, (also called catfolk,) growing to be up to 80 years old. There are several surviving Beast Men races, these include:        Purriah - Also known as Catfolk, former leaders of the Beast Men Armies.        Gooadein - Also called Ratfolk, served as supply sappers and logistics specialists.        Loxem - Loxem were raised from elephants, and served as heavy support. They are perhaps the most spiritual of the forces. They are found these days in the areas around Ita Tiron.        Hyenan - Sometimes referred to as Gnolls, Hyenan were shock troops. In the current era, they have become listless, and roam about causing mischief of all kinds.         Silkaren - Created from spiders, Silkaren are specialists in the area of espionage. They mostly exist in the are south of the Captive Sea.   There are also some breeds that do not survive to the modern-day, Included in these are:        Barem - Dogmen were the rank and file of the Beast Men armies, and at one time were the most numerous. Their are tales of an island somewhere on the Captive Sea were a small population of them still live. The only evidence of their continued existence, or where they may still live, was destroyed with the Library of Mazalu.        Polearie - The Bearmen have not been seen in many generations, but are rumoured to survive near the Great Spire. Cold weather specialists, many sages find it surprising that they would die out after the War of the Elders.


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