Vampyr Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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Basic Information


At first glance, the Vampyr is oddly humanlike. Harbouring the same skeletal and muscular structure as any other man or woman. Though with exagerated muscle and curves, with a gracious lean form that decieve their strength and agility. Their posture is always held high and proudfull, with canine teeth a shy bit longer than the average mortal humans. However, this is only the Vampyr's casual shape as they are reknowned shapeshifters.   It is their batlike and monsterous transformation which earned their name as Vampyr rather than Vampire, even though they are the original deal since before the inhabitants of Peregon started to succumb to the bloodlines.   These demonic entities who take shape of their inner demons have far larger limbs and muscles, which bulges in a hulking shape. Their necks will go bulky with strained veins showing underneath a jaw - which is near as wide as their entire face when outstretched. Above the rows of dagger like teeth, a flat and animalistic nose rests underneath small, hollow looking eyes and a thick forehead with massive ears attached to them - which look like a mix between those of a bat and wolf.   Perhaps even more horrid than their massive veiny legs and arms, are the claws attached to their hands, which look like they have sicles for fingers, accompanied by large batlike wings that stretch out from their shoulders, with three bones holding their leathery parchment together, as each of the bones end with a short spike sticking out of them.

Biological Traits

Even though the male Vampyr are generally larger and taller, the strength between the genders are pretty much equal and much more dependant on age and personality. Their ethnicities or rather bloodlines paying much more importance to their roles in Vithrine society.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampyr doesn't reproduce through breeding, though rather form cocoons from biological material which they infuse with the soul of a passed away mortal. This process isn't always an evil deed as the souls don't necessarely require to be tormented, being more just a happenstance of how hell forced the Vampyr's to bear children.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Vampyr grows slowly, not reaching full maturity until it's 200th year. Up untill that point, they'll look very similar to a bat and human hybrid which is nearly incapable of sentient thinking until it's 50th year, which is when it learns to transform itself. From there on, they'll change to the shape of a humanoid child and grow similar as them, untill they reach maturity and stop to age completely.

Ecology and Habitats

Vampyr generally enjoy the nightfall, as their abilities are severely weakened if they meet with broad daylight. Unlike the tales though, they don't start to get fried or even feel bad while out and about during the day. It does however prevent their transformation to take shape into demonform, which renders them far less powerfull in a struggle, either against mortals, other demons and even wild beasts.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Vampyr men generally have strong and powerfull features, while the females have much softer ones. Both of their genders are famed for their long, thick and often shining hair, with charcoal to chocolate black colours being the norm for men, with near no redheads and the blonde's being a little less rare specimen. Their women often have elbow long either curled or silken smooth hair, ranging from colours scarlet red, to raven black and golden blonde locks. Even considering this - and their their thick and angular eyebrows, they are still unable to grow facial hair.   The eyes of a Vampyr is also one of the surest ways to discern between this type of demon and just a damn good looking mortal, since not even the bloods have as colourfull eyes as Vampyr, especially not ones with oil black eyewhites.

Average Intelligence

Vampyr are generally highly intellectual. Being both capable of intense magical capacity and understanding, a general knowledge for technology and literacy which far trumps most mortal speices, followed by a social and creative intellect which is near unmatched by any other but a few creatures.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Vampyr have extraordinary senses, being able to utilize both an average human sense of eyesight during daylight, with a wolf's nocturnal ones at night, or even heatvision whenever they're hunting for warm blood or, other warm things. Their sense of smell rivals that of both bloodhounds and sharks. Their ears are just as sensitive as bats and they are capable of using echolocation and also have a natural affinity for using their voices to blast things with incredible force. In fact, except for pyromancy they're gifted in pretty much every magical art.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Vampyr have a high standing among the demonic forces, standing at a second ring only after Devils, within the same ring of hell's hierarchy as the Styxian, Archdaemons and Mauraghar. They generally serve hells forces not only as covert operatives but also as advisors and strateges.
Hell - Vithrine
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Overexagerated muscularity and/or curves, unaturally attractive to look at.


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