Delerius Geographic Location in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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From a great, dark crag with mountain walls that spike through the clouds in cruel fashion looms the realm of Delerius. With shaded, spiraling roads it's crag spreads for miles in a circular motion around the lower ground of the plane.   Beyond the higher grounds lurk a festering swamp with an everlasting night covering It's soil. It stretched more than thrice the size of the great crag, with every single step taken being a choice between life and death, as the shaded waterbodies could easily be dropped into, thus dragging many uncareful denizens into an untimely demize.   Only beyond this great swamp rules any sense of sunlight, creeping from the boughs of a great deepwood to which nobody knows where it ends.


Fungi! Both small, large and enormous rule most of Delerius and is nurtured from dead organisms that fall to the ground. Be they wood, animals or other creatures. Sometimes even other shrooms. The damp murky swamps make it more than easy for these fungi to grow and and thrive. A majority of the species are even edible, which allows the creatures within to find easy nutrients.   Due to this large and widespread resource, combined with the mushrooms nature, most creatures within have an omnivorous diet, though mainly go for vegetation as they spread rapidly through the myriad of mycaelium networks underneath the ground.

Ecosystem Cycles

Although it could be debated that Delerius have all four seasons to some extent, only the spring and autumns are ever accounted for. Apptly named the solarhalf of decay and growth. Decay being the autumn where most of the plants with leaves slowly start to deterioate and the fungi starts to take over half. Only for most of these fungi to dry away with the comming of spring, where the leafy fauna comes back.

Localized Phenomena

During the solarhalf of decay, there can often form so called sporestorms which like their name would imply work by having tons of spores swept up with the wind to a mass where the shimmering rays can both be seen and felt. Normally, sporestorms are not that dangerous to encounter, although severe exposure to them can result in fungi growth on the body, or inside if enough is inhaled. While the growth of skin is often easily treatable, the one within the organs is far less so and could kill, or even end up mindcontrolling a victim.   A more dangerous phenomena are the zombie hordes that roam within the swamps. A majority of the victims are however not a case of a living being turned by a sporestorm. Rather it's the same effect of fungi growing on already dead corpses to take over what remains of the mind while it replaces decayed and broken nerves with mycel to allow the corpse to act once again.

The eight of twelve hells

Dimensional plane


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