Kingdom of america 1808
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The slave trade within America officially has an end date. However, a solution for afterwards is not yet settled, as many black Americans remain in the custody of slave merchants. The prevailing proposal is to send them en masse west to cultivate territory within the lands west of the Mississippi River. Another is the repatriation to Africa, but this is seen as too costly. With no agreed solution on the federal level, very little integration is formed throughout the states, north and south. The freed slaves become instrumental to ending the revolt against abolition. All those captured are imprisoned.
  With the expulsion of King Ferdinand VII of Spain, Prince Augustus goes to London to meet with him and Prince Frederick of Britain, along with delegates of King Charles XIII of Sweden, King Louis I of Holland, King Frederick William III of Prussia, and Emperor Francis I of Austria. The meeting is to discuss the formation of a new coalition against France and Napoleon. It is decided that Spain would support the British forces in Portugal, while the British sent a second force to Holland, supported by America, to unite with the Dutch. The Swedish would come from the north to support Prussia against the Confederation of the Rhine, while Austria would go south against Italy. It was believed so many fronts at once would spread Napoleon’s forces too thin, allowing the allies to push through. The Fifth Coalition is established.
  Prince Frederick guarantees Britain’s withdrawal of denouncement against America’s annexation of Louisiana in exchange for American support. Prince Augustus does not secure the same promise from Ferdinand VII in regards to Florida. Though Chancellor Elbridge Gerry and King Augustus I approve of the battle strategy and Congress agrees to declare war in support of the Coalition, much of the government and public opinion begin to voice exhaustion from military conflict.

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