Scholars' Circle Organization in Kinfire Chronicles | World Anvil

Scholars' Circle

The Scholars' Circle is a guild of academics and scientists focused on the accumulation of wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge. Though it was first founded in Dwar Fell over a thousand years ago, the Circle has made a place for itself in Din'Lux after the return of the Starless Nights.




The Scholars' Circle was established long ago in the city of Dwar Fell before the start of the Great War. At the time, Dwar Fell was populated with a mix of humans and dwarves. Culturally, the people of this region had become heavily focused on science and knowledge and the use of science and technology to better their lives.


The Scholars' Circle first began as a regular meeting of seven accomplished and very prestigious scientists and researchers. This group, now known as the "circle of seven," only invited individuals they saw as worthy to their gathering. Eventually, this group became what is now known as the Scholars' Circle, a guild for scientists, researchers, and experts to collaborate on projects, acquire funding for personal research, and also as a matter of prestige. Being a member of the Circle meant status and respect for a resident of Dwar Fell.




The return of the Darkness


After Hierophant Selen opened the doors of Din'Lux to the armies of Dwar Fell, the Horseshoe, a small rocky island, was given over to the refugees. Despite protests from some of the more practically-minded residents, one of the first structures built was a guildhouse for the Scholars' Circle.


Leaders felt that it would act as a reminder of home and would give the now-stranded scholars a sense of purpose. They immediately got to work. If it was the Darkness that trapped them here, then it was the Darkness they were out to defeat.


After a number of tense City Council meetings, the Hierophant agreed to allow these scholars access to kinfire. At this announcement, many of the leaders stood in shock. A thousand years of war over this simple but powerful thing. And now here it was, shared among them.


They did not put it to waste. Within a year, the scholars had something to show for their tireless work: kinfire lanterns. A way to venture safely beyond the reach of the lighthouse. With this innovation, the Scholars' Circle proved its place in Din'Lux.




The Great War ended abruptly and without fanfare. Din'Lux was focused on only one thing: survival. But the bitterness and rivalries seeded by years of conflict could not easily be erased. Many of the mostly-elven residents of Din'Lux still harbored hatred towards their new guests who had once been their sworn enemies.


As the Horseshoe was under construction, a large contingent of guards–mostly former members of the Moonsickle Company–were made to stand watch as a deterrent for violence from other Din'Lux residents. Despite these security measures, vandals managed to find a way into the Horseshoe. Structures were destroyed, foul messages scrawled on walls. It was clear to the people of Dwar Fell that they weren't wanted here.


The Scholars' Circle became a familiar place for many refugees, full of books and research equipment they'd managed to cobble together. The Scholars' Circle was a place for the people of Dwar Fell to feel at home–and safe from the hatred of others.


As the years went on, most of Din'Lux finally became accustomed to the sight of dwarves and former soldiers of Dwar Fell. Though these refugees still encountered persecution and mistreatment (particularly from devout members of the Temple of Ziva), many began to see the scholars in a more positive light.




The first major development of the newly refounded Circle was the creation of Revenants–departed souls bound to a metal shell by a kinfire core. Though much of the design and research on revenants had already been completed in Dwar Fell, the very first functioning revenant (known as Talos) was built in Din'Lux in the early months of the Circle.


These beings were created in the hopes that they would be able to travel beyond the reach of the Great Lighthouse. The materials required to build them, however, were expensive and difficult to acquire.


Within their first year in Din'Lux, the Scholars' Circle also developed the kinfire lantern, an essential tool that changed Din'Lux forever. Soon after, the Seekers' Guild was founded as an organized group of adventurers trained to wield the lanterns and to travel beyond the reach of the lighthouse.


Due to the high level of precision required to construct kinfire lanterns, their creation remained a task for the Scholars' Circle. A group of scholars trained in how to build and light these lanterns is now housed within the Circle guildhouse in a specialized laboratory. The kinfire embers used for these lanterns are transported to the guild by Flame Keepers (accompanied by members of the City Guard) and then kept in a secure place somewhere within the guildhouse.




The body of Scholars' Circle members is divided by specialization–alchemy, the study of magic, medicine, etc.–but the primary tenant of the Circle is collaboration. Though there are separate laboratories within the guildhouse, there is also a large common room for Circle members to work side-by-side.




The leader of the Scholars' Circle is selected by a vote from the entire body of the guild's membership. Back in Dwar Fell, being appointed leader of the Scholars' Circle was akin to being elected the leader of Dwar Fell itself. The position held such a great deal of respect and power, that whenever a new leader was required, Circle hopefuls spent massive amounts of coin and effort on campaigning.


In Din'Lux, however, with fewer resources and far less power, leadership over the Scholars' Circle doesn't hold the prestige it once did. When the previous Circle leader was killed by an experiment gone wrong, the guild found themselves in need of a new leader and saw an opportunity.


Revenants, an amazing new being created by the Circle, were still not trusted by the people of Din'Lux. This was despite their obvious potential, including an enormous capacity for learning, physical strength, and even immortality. Several master-level scholars began to campaign for Talos, the very first revenant, to be made leader of the Scholars' Circle. Having Talos as leader would promote further development of revenants. It was also believed by some that having a non-dwarf leader might lessen the hatred and lack of trust aimed at them.




In Din'Lux, most of the members of the Scholars' Circle are dwarven, but there are a number of humans and orcs as well. Elves are a rarity in the Circle, but not unheard of.


In Dwar Fell, membership in the Scholars' Circle was exclusive and difficult to obtain. In Din'Lux, however, the guild is far more open to less experienced applicants. When an individual wishes to join the guild, they must first spend one year as an apprentice in the Circle. In this position, young hopefuls organize books in the library, fetch potion ingredients, and clean test tubes. If they prove themselves to have a capable mind, sharp eye, and strong memory, they may then be deemed worthy of membership to the Circle.


Years ago, in Dwar Fell, before the return of the Darkness, newly-appointed members of the Scholars' Circle received rings as a symbol of their membership and rank within the guild. As a scholar progressed in rank from beginner to master, their ring was engraved with powerful runes that aided in their work.


In Din'Lux, the Circle is unable to afford such gifts. Most scholars who were appointed back in Dwar Fell still wear their rings as a sign of pride and nostalgia. Newer members, however, opt for tattoos in order to signify their place in the Circle.


Many young academics enter the Circle imagining a dreamy life of books, groundbreaking research, and friendly fellow scientists. In reality, though, due to scarce resources, the Circle is fiercely competitive. Most lower-ranked members are unable to get projects funded and must then work as mere assistants to master-level scholars.

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