Hierophant Selen Character in Kinfire Chronicles | World Anvil

Hierophant Selen


Until the return of the Starless Nights, the Hierophant stood as the head of Din'Lux and its governing body, the City Council. Passed down from Flame Keeper to Flame Keeper, the position of Hierophant is more than just a single individual. When one is annointed as Hierophant, a priest or priestess becomes not just the leader of government, but also the head of the Temple and, indeed, the very voice of the goddess Ziva.


Hierophant Selen, appointed several years before the return of the Starless Nights, was a bold and decisive leader, though not as charismatic as some of her predecessors. When the Starless Nights returned, the city was in the midst of a siege--an attack from the armies of Dwar Fell--and Din'Lux was on the edge of defeat.


The Hierophant took an audience with the general of Dwar Fell, Sigra the Sickly, and negotiated a peace treaty. The armies ended their attack and laid down their weapons in exchange for safe harbor within the city's walls. Many of the city's residents took this for a sign of weakness. The Hierophant had opened the gates to their enemy. Lions were now allowed to lurk in their midst.


The city fell into chaos--overcrowded, uncertain, and afraid. In a matter of days, a leader from the smuggling ring, Vath of the Tuskrippers, took advantage of the discontent and staged a violent coup. He took leadership of the city away from Hierophant Selen, installing himself as head of the City Council. The Hierophant, for a time, fell into disgrace.


In an attempt to build trust in the city and avoid being usurped himself, Vath of the Tuskrippers reformed the City Council. To appease the mostly-elven followers of Ziva, he appointed Selen to the Council. Now, though she no longer has control of the city, she carries on as best she can, holding tight to the power of the Temple and preparing for an uncertain future.




Selen of Firefalls is sharp, intelligent, and restrained. As a youth, she was independent and devoted to her studies, and many of her classmates referred to her as cold and far too serious. The competition at seminary was cutthroat, and Selen learned early on the usefulness of secrets. She developed the ability to read others and manipulate their actions with just the right words.


As a leader, Selen drew a stark contrast between herself and previous Hierophants. She was open-minded and progressive, making efforts to protect and support all Din'Lux residents regardless of their background. This stirred up a good deal of disapproval from some of the elven population, particularly the most wealthy, and a small group of powerful individuals formed with the purpose of some day ending Selen's reign as Hierophant.


Even after her fall to Vath of the Tuskrippers, Selen remained devoted to Din'Lux and the Temple. She gracefully accepted a place as City Councilor under the leadership of Vath so that she could continue to see to the Temple's interests.




Before Selen was appointed Hierophant, she was Selen of Firefalls, from a small village not far from the city named for a tall, steaming waterfall sourced by a healing hot spring. Raised by a wealthy and religious family, she was sent to Din'Lux as a child to study at the Lux Seminary in the hopes of becoming a Flame Keeper.


At seminary, Selen's keen intelligence and devotion to her studies allowed her to advance quickly. She became a favorite of the instructors and was appointed as a Flame Keeper at a fairly young age. She was allowed access to the Temple's secret texts and taught the ancient language of the elves. She rose as a natural leader, well-respected by her peers. And when the time came for new Hierophant, it was no surprise that the elder Flame Keepers emerged from their weeks of prayer to announce Selen as the next voice of Ziva.


Physical Description

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Selen is tall, elegant, and statuesque in appearance. As Hierophant, she is never seen without an ornate and meticulously designed mask over her face. This tradition is meant to maintain the image of the Hierophant as a symbol--holy and Ziva-ordained.


The Hierophant should never be seen as an individual or part of the masses, but rather as the voice of the goddess Ziva. She must at all times remain aloof and keep herself separate from the common people's worldly desires.




Many have speculated on the true nature of Hierophant Selen and some claim to have seen her wandering the city at night incognito, wearing simple clothes and no mask. Rumor has it that she escapes to the lower parts of the city to visit gambling establishments and tea houses.


Those critical of the Hierophant are also fond of gossiping about her family's wealth, believing that it was their sizable bribes that guaranteed her ascension to Hierophant. There are whispers that the true Hierophant--chosen by Ziva--is actually a Flame Keeper known only as the "Watchman." A small sect has formed with the intent of seeing their true leader some day take charge of Din'Lux.

69 years old
Aligned Organization
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