Temple of Elendra Organization in Khthon | World Anvil
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Temple of Elendra


From an outside perspective, the Temple of Elendra appears to have an entirely typical ecclesiastical structure and this observation holds though involvement as deep as Templeday services and holidays. Any closer examination of the group will find this to be only skin deep at most, titles and positions are almost entirely ignored in the internal workings, only the High Priestess standing above others in a society of equals. The adherents of Elendra see themselves as a literal family, significantly more so than the other Shaperate religions. Even the non-descendants are readily accepted into the family after an inoffensive initiation.


Elendra's children have an intensely us vs. them view of the world, a significant focus of their organization is focused on evangelism and support for all the monstrous races on Khthon but their treatment of other mortals who have not thrown in with their cause range from enslavement to consumption.

Public Agenda

The primary purpose of the Temple of Elendra is to connect and offer support to the often isolated monstrous races descended from their mother goddess. In terms of their perception, this often takes a back seat to the activities they participate in to fund these efforts, including mercenary work, acting as enforcers for organized crime, and being one of the largest facilitators of the slave trade on Khthon.


The Temple of Elendra has more worshippers than any other individual Shaperate temple, but significantly fewer involved in formal or organized worship mostly due to the number of them who are ostracized or otherwise unaffiliated with centers of civilization. Their funding does not reflect this decrease however, in large part because a significant portion of their formal worshippers donate all or nearly all of their income and make use of the temple for their living arrangements.
Religious, Temple
Alternative Names
Cult of Elendra, Elendrast Cult
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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