Scythas of Libria Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Scythas of Libria


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scythas spent the first eighteen years of his life believing he was the unluckiest man in the world. He'd tell himself that if he were born anywhere else on all of Khthon, he would be an incredible prodigy, the favorite apprentice of the area's most powerful archmage. If he were born into any other family, he wouldn't have such high expectations placed upon him and he could coast happily through life on the talent and knowledge he already possessed. If he was sired by one of his mother's paramours rather than her husband he would have inherited latent magical power and not had to work himself to the bone for every scrap of knowledge and increment of capability. Instead, he wound up with the lesser of every single one of those options before he was even born. He lives in Libria, with the most mages per capita of all cities and the most competition between them. His family is the bloodline of the first Archon, unbroken since the founding of the city and he must live up to it or be disinherited. Rather than one of the angels, demons, devils, or fey his mother cavorts with regularly, and who sired all her other children, he is the son of the ordinary human she married for political alliance, not even a mage. Despite all his complaining Scythas is correct that his magical talent would be extremely impressive most places on Khthon, though he would be likely to deny how much of that is because of his family and home city.   The rise of the Unifier was a call to action for Scythas, showing him that not everything need be determined by tradition and that someone no one expected can rise to the very heights of power and prestige. Since Archelaos was crowned, he has relentlessly pursued every opportunity he's seen, of every variety. His outlook has been renewed and he will vigorously proclaim his future success to anyone who will listen. In particular, he seems to be attempting to catch the attention of the king and have his appointment on the Mage Council expanded.


Scythas attended the Oceanic School of Wizardry like many of Libria's elite, and was one of the few who was able to afford continued education there after the initial childhood phase.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Throwing himself into a dozen projects, hoping to impress the new king
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
21st of Nemlû, 157 Knight
Light blue
Long, straight, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mildly tanned
170 lbs
Aligned Organization


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