Ley Coral Species in Khthon | World Anvil
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Ley Coral

Basic Information


Visually, and by every other nonmagical sense, Ley Coral is indistinguishable from many varieties of regular coral. Were it not for humanity's inherent ability to sense the presence of magic within a short range and the dramatic decrease in the general level of magic in the environment since the disappearance of the elves, it's likely that its significance would never have been discovered. Of the mundane corals that Ley Coral resembles, it tends to lean towards those that branch and fork many times, spreading out significantly as it grows. This is extremely inconvenient for its utility, so those few that do not hold to these patterns and occupy a smaller area are highly prized and command enormous prices.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ley Coral possesses two arcane senses, though since the mechanisms are entirely opaque it's possible that they are really only one sense that accomplishes two things, though this theory is not widely respected. Their first and most critical sense is the ability to sense the presence of magic, and a coral will always grow towards the nearest concentration of magic regardless of strength or total distance. In fact, corals have been observed growing towards much weaker sources that cannot sustain them rather than a slightly further away source which support their needs, dooming themselves. It is this unreliability and crudeness that causes the dismissal of the theory that this magic sensing is the same as their much more intricate sensing ability. That more intricate sense is an ability to detect what are effectively arcane pheromones dispersed by other corals across the Leylines and carried all over Khthon, allowing communication between different colonies of coral across vast distances. The purpose of this communication appears to be to learn about and preemptively adapt to potential hazards, but the way it works is that a colony of Ley Coral will broadcast literally everything it detects with both its magical and mundane senses, including the sense that lets it receive the broadcasts of other corals, such that over time every colony on Khthon receives the broadcast of every other.
Geographic Distribution
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Aug 12, 2023 15:36 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how the ley coral broadcast to different colonies, as well as the fact that they eventually communicate with all other ley coral colonies. How cool that someone figured this out! Did you call them ley coral as a sort of reference to ley lines?

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