Kynthia the Cutter Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Kynthia the Cutter

the Cutter Kynthia

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kynthia was not born destined for greatness because the Hells spit on destiny, and her conception was very much an infernal project. The Hells do respect the plans of Asmodeus, and he has great plans for Kynthia indeed. Her father was a daeva prince of the heavenly choirs, and her mother one of the finest mortal seductresses to ever live. The most common version of the story is that some aspect of her mother's success, be it her beauty, skill, or perhaps eternal youth, was due to a contract which would ordinarily have claimed her soul but Kynthia served as alternative payment. As ever, the King of the Hells managed to pay once and benefit several times. Infernal forces were able to capitalize greatly on each liaison that distracted Kynthia's father from his duties, leading to several payoffs before the deed was even done. Any angel that violates the Pact Primeval and lays with a mortal will fall, so a powerful instrument of Good was forever lost. And of course, there is Kynthia herself. It's uncertain what Asmodeus plans for the young Nephilim, but in the meantime she has already proven to be an incredibly valuable member of the Hierarchy of the Hells, leading many mortal souls astray and making great strides in advancing infernal banner to ever greater influence on Khthon.   Her current operation revolves around the legal rights of slaves in Hellenis. The practice of slavery is legal but slaves retain a great many rights, and those who violate them are viewed as the worst of scum. Kynthia butchers these people, earning her epithet, claims or purchases their slaves, and then gives them a choice. There is a great range of treatment permitted under the law, and each slave has the power to choose how well they are treated, it's simply in direct proportion to how useful they can be to Kynthia, or how much they're willing to damn themselves. Even freedom can be attained for the simple cost of a single soul.


Kynthia has never officially attended a formal school, but she has charmed her way into personal instruction from many of the best teachers at a plethora of prestigious institutions including the Imperial University, the University of Oros, and the Bard's College.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Celebrating the capture of a large slave ship convoy
Current Location
Date of Birth
30th of Elû, 158 Knight
Circumstances of Birth
Result of the seduction and fall of a daeva prince
Dark blue
Long, raven black ringlets
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
150 lbs
Aligned Organization


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