Deep Iron Miner Profession in Khthon | World Anvil
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Deep Iron Miner



Very little is needed to become a successful deep iron miner, it is good to be swift and strong, and very good to be lucky. There is a stereotype that a miner must be enormous to swing their pickaxe hard and carry lots of ore. Such people are of course needed, but equally are small and nimble miners who can access parts of a mine the more typically thought of miner could not.

Career Progression

There is not much room for advancement in the deep iron mining profession. Perhaps if one survives and maintains their health long enough they might become a mine foreman and of course there are stories of those who eventually buy the mine they work in, but almost every deep iron miner will remain exactly that until they can no longer do so.

Payment & Reimbursement

Pay varies heavily on location, but almost universally it is just slightly more than other manual labor intensive careers in exchange for greatly increased strenuousness and often increased danger.

Other Benefits

Few if any recognize or respect the determined drudgery of the deep iron miner, even when it is on their backs that this Age of Knights is being forged. Most mines do offer a payment to the family in the case that a miner dies on the job, but calling that a benefit is not often taken well.


Social Status

Being a deep iron miner is certainly not seen as the lowest profession, few deny the hard work it requires even if there are also few who greatly esteem it. In practice each one is much closer to the bottom rung than many others due to the seeming simplicity of the job.


Since the end of the Age of Adventurers, demand for deep iron has skyrocketed in order to outfit the many knightly orders which are now attempting to not only serve military purpose but also fill that vacant niche.
Raw Materials Gathering
There is always demand for more deep iron miners.


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