Sklooxkar Character in Khinarzi | World Anvil


The Songmaker

Sklooxkar is the god of winemaking, performance and festivities. They are the twin sibling of Kepedaska and it is said they both gave their love of performing and creation to make the Sirens. Whereas their sibling taught their creations the joys of performance in the form of more physical persuits. Sklooxkar infused them with a love for the artistic performances most notably the gift of music. It is said they taught the mortals the joys of drink, of music and the theatre, being a patron of many early performers of ancient legend. They encouraged their followers to always ensure they take time for themselves to relax and rest, to maintain their health.   When the Dark One came to the plane, Sklooxkar was the first member of the pantheon who came to the newcomer to welcome them and offer them a hand in friendship. This greeting was answered with violence, Sklooxkar left the meeting having been stabbed through the heart by the cursed blade. The vile venom being too strong even for their divine form to resist. They fell and have not been heard from ever since. They like the rest of the Dawn Pantheon being mostly forgotten except in the odd tale or myth and barely remembered by their bloodlines amongst the Godborn of Thalavis.   Sklooxkar was a loving individual, always kind and welcoming. A good deity believing in helping others and encouraging life to grow and taking that life and love and using it to inspire creations especially of artistic nature. They would always encourage their followers to drink and relax for in taking time for themself they could look after their physical and mental health especially if the follower was taking on the heroic or adventuring lifestyle. They were fairly slow and peaceful in their speech and are always happy to offer parental and caring advise, being a soundboard when their followers needed it. They often found something positive to say about situations that others would see as all negative and enjoying seeing parts of the world, nature and works of art, especially music and theatre. Followers would find themselves at times being pushed to provide aid to poets, actors, playwrights and musicians in need of aid, be it financial or more physical.

Divine Domains

Forge, Life, Knowledge, Peace, & Nature

Tenets of Faith

They wish their followers to be always kind and welcoming.
Followers should help others and encourage life to grow.
Followers should take that life and love and use it to inspire creations especially of artistic nature.
Followers should always take time to drink and relax for in taking time for themself they can look after their physical and mental health especially if their follower is taking the heroic or adventuring lifestyle.
Followers may find themselves being pushed to provide aid to poets, actors, playwrights and musicians in need of aid, financial or more physical.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Dark One


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