Ithdwinrai Character in Khinarzi | World Anvil


Lord of the Harvest, Patron of Parents, God of Unions

Ithdwinrai, was the god of peace, unions, and the harvest. It was he who taught the mortal races about when to sow different kinds of crops and is even now sometimes prayed to for good weather for farming and journeys. He also sometimes is called upon to bless unions and child births and is a patron of celebrations of peace and unity in a community or between multiple communities.   Ithdwinrai, it is said, created the grung to be caretakers to the land, helping care for it and making sure it grows bright and strong. Ithdinrai was very fond of the many folk of Khinarzi and spent many years caring and teaching the World Soul and Great Spirits. He became friends with most of the Great Spirits and formed a close bond with the boar spirit Jennicaetri even coming to call him brother.   When the Dark One came to the plane and slew Sklooxkar, Ithdwinrai and the pantheon came to fight the Dark One. The peaceful god found himself opposed to his oldest friend the Great Boar Spirit Jennicaetri, as the two traded words neither willing to harm the one they called brother, the Dark One approached from behind and slew the god with a knife to the back.

Divine Domains

City, Forge, Journey, Life, Nature and Peace domains.

Tenets of Faith

He wishes his followers to be always kind and nurturing.
Followers should lead with mercy, patience, and compassion.
Followers should inspire others to unite in fellowship, for together the community is stronger than alone
Followers should always respect the ceremonies, celebrations and ritual of others. Engage in them to bring all closer together.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Dark One


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