Elsorn, The forsaken in Kesathra | World Anvil
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Elsorn, The forsaken

The hellspeak dolls tell tales of one who began as a legend and turned into a myth, forgotten to time and the void.
Elsorn, the first hellspeak doll to be given a reinforced Sylmanite power core, the first hellspeak doll to vanish into nothingness. No one really knows what happened to Elsorn, all they know is that one moment he was there, and legendary, and the next moment he's gone with no trace.
They speak of how one day he told them all the void had plans, and the next day he vanished. They say perhaps the void took him, before its plans could be spoken, or perhaps Elsorn himself made his way into the void dimension to try and aid the plans. It is unclear, all anyone knows is that he was once a legend, and now a myth.


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