Wolfgang von Nachtgard Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Wolfgang von Nachtgard

Wolfgang von Nachtgard was born into a wealthy family with a long history of military service to the Barony, and now the Empire. He showed an early interest in warfare and strategy, and was quickly promoted through the ranks of the Baron's Own Militia, and eventually into The Order of the Dragon Shield. However, he grew disillusioned with the corruption and incompetence he saw within the military hierarchy, and began to seek out more secretive and exclusive organizations.

Von Nachtgard eventually found his way into the Shadow Guard, a clandestine group within the Imperial military that specialized in espionage, sabotage, and assassination. He quickly rose through the ranks due to his ruthless efficiency and complete loyalty to the Emperor and his vision for a pureblooded humanity, free of the taint of ears and immortality.
  As High Commander of the Shadow Guard, von Nachtgard is responsible for carrying out the Emperor's most sensitive and dangerous missions. He oversees a vast network of spies, informants, and assassins, and is feared by both enemies and allies alike for his cunning and brutality. He is a strong believer in the superiority of the human race and is dedicated to eliminating any threats to the Empire, both foreign and domestic.

Wolfgang von Nachtgard is a tall, lean man with piercing blue eyes and slicked-back blonde hair. He always wears the distinctive black uniform of the Shadow Guard, with its skull-and-crossbones insignia prominently displayed. He carries a variety of concealed weapons and is known for his quick reflexes and deadly accuracy.  If the stories are to be believed, he once killed in a man in a bar from nearly fifteen feet away by throwing a knife concealed within a wrist-sheath so accurately it passed through the man's throat, and Wolfgang had returned to his seat (and his drink) before his opponent's body had hit the floor.
  Von Nachtgard is a cold, calculating individual with little regard for Elven life or morality. He sees himself as a servant of the Emperor and the Therengian people, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his, and the Emperor's, goals. He is a master manipulator and is skilled at using fear and intimidation to control those around him. He has a particular hatred for non-human races, especially elves, whom he views as subhuman and unworthy of life.
Current Location
Year of Birth
191 AV 31 Years old


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