The Thirteen Myth in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Thirteen

The Thirteen were a group of warriors of all races, who stood together when the world needed them the most. Their talents, skills, and determination together brought down the Tyrant, Teraptus , and eventually brought true divinity, and the magic born from it, into Kermoria.    


An Elven woman of fine grace, she was known to carry a longsword and, on quiet nights, sing whilst she played the harp. Legend states that she twined her soul with that of the World Dragon, living so long as he would live, so that her soft soprano voice could continuously soothe the Dragon into a slumber. She is recognized as the Goddess of Music and Dance, and is worshipped by bards and performers.


Stoic in platemail, wielding a flail and protected by a large shield, Chadatru stood before the Tyrant and did not waiver; bolstering his allies when all seemed lost. Chadatru is a Half-Orc, and is known as the God of Justice, Law, and truth. He is worshipped by many half orcs, as well as paladins, clerics, and some people who are just plain good


Known as the Mother or the Dawn Mother, Berengia wove flame into her magics to sear the Tyrant and blind his gaze. A human woman, she is often depicted as a matronly figure, carrying a shock of grain beneath her arm. She is the patron of mothers everywhere, and is most often worshipped by parents and anyone who fears the night, as Berengia is said to bring the light of the sun with her, wherever she goes.


Trickster, imp, bedeviler, fouler of best laid plans, Huldah's schemes can often appear very appealing at first, but quickly sour. Reasoning with him is dangerous, and few who strike a bargain with him have ever gotten out of it ahead. He despises mortals, and delights in seeing that which is pure become despoiled, especially by some act of his. He is the patron of tricksters, liars, and cheats.


A powerful lizardfolk warrior, Urriem'tier walked the line between life and death many times during the battles with Teraptus. When he transcended the divine, he knew this was his place. Neither Evil or Good, an audience with Urrem'tier is a destination that all living things share. The embodiment of Death, he consumes life without malice or intent. It is to Urrem'tier's embrace all living things go, for all eternity.


The goddess of nightmares is virtually unseen, but is assumed to be a black-haired and exotic beauty whose only flaw is a third eye in the center of her forehead. She never walks during the day, and it is rumored that if anyone created the creatures known as vampires and werewolves, it was her. She hates the sun, and often is involved in plotting ways to destroy it. Since it is impossible to know when she is watching, many fear speaking of her, even at high noon. She is the "all-seeing"; her dark eyes miss nothing. Dergati is impatient with incompetence, and will, without warning, kill someone who acts foolishly in front of her. Most often, she is worshipped by craftsmen who fear failure, and those who would do foul things to further their own ambition.


The intriguing god of night and dreams, he is also the patron of Thieves, cutthroats, assassins and spies. Damaris is the assassin of the gods, sometimes even killing someone without being paid, simply because he felt that their presence was no longer "necessary." Rarely seen except as a voice in the shadows, Damaris is envisioned as having black hair that is strewn with silver and large black eyes without pupils or whites and ebon skin, but can actually (as can all the gods) appear in any form he chooses; because of his chosen profession, however, he is more proficient at it than the other gods. Oddly, Damaris has a soft spot for small children, the only people exempt from his blade, and parents will call upon him as a last resort if all other gods have deserted them to protect their child.


God of mortal man, mercy, and forgiveness, his blessings are invaluable in resurrections and the granting of health, stamina, strength, and magical power. Truffenyi is like a father unto the inhabitants of Kermoria, and his demeanor can best be described as indulgent, but stern. He is quick to grant favor on the deserving, but his firm nature can make him a difficult master to serve.


God of Magic and foresight, the dark side of the arcane arts. Meraud rarely shows his face, hiding himself within the folds of midnight black cloak and appearing as a dark stranger to those he visits. Meraud does not believe anything should stand in the way of the quest for knowledge, and can be quite ruthless in his pursuit of it. However, he is not without honor, and has turned aside in his quest for knowledge if he has made a promise that interferes in that quest. This does not, however, mean he will not find a way around the obstacle -- in fact, he often will.


Defender of the innocent and watcher of the forest, Lirisa stands with her silvered bow to protect those who can not protect themselves. Little is actually known about her, save that she is often worshipped by rangers, Druids, and many Fey folk. She is depicted most often in a green or brown cloak, often firing an arrow into the forest to slay a foul beast that was stalking an innocent traveler, or to ward them from a dangerous path by spooking them to safety.


The disrupter of peace treaties among races and nations, destroyer of families, augur of disloyalty, and turner of children against parents, clan against clan, Harawep is a vicious warrior who fights with twin swords. Hideously ugly, Harawep appears as a hag who moves quicker than the eye can follow. A lightning-wielding goddess, her capricious will causes unstoppable forest fires that destroy whole settlements. Harawep's ways are not all so abrupt and obvious -- she weaves deception as well as she brandishes destruction, and her plots and schemes are as intricate as the webs her favorite creature (the spider) spins. One of Harawep's titles is "the Widowmaker," and murderers and assassins consider her their patron.


Eluned is goddess of the seas and water, master of arcane and ancient wisdom, patron of learning and knowledge; chief deity of any sea-faring folk. She, along with her sister Periel, keeps the oceans moving and singing. Eluned is the creator of speech, as Meraud is the creator of written language. Eluned and Meraud sometimes coexist, but mostly do not see eye-to-eye enough in their motives to do so. It is Eluned's infinite wisdom that guides sailors at night.


Divyaush is a merry bearded man with twinkling blue eyes. He grants enormous good favor, money, and gifts, and will sometimes send out his personal assistants -- the welkin -- to help out needy craftsmen. He is beloved by children, who often leave him offerings of sweets and cream at a special Midwinter festival. Divyaush is paternal and kind, and will help to guide a crafter who has erred by pointing out -- but not fixing -- his mistakes.

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