Starfall Colosseum Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Starfall Colosseum

A massive complex for gladiatorial games, as well as theatrical performances by local bard colleges.

Purpose / Function

Built over the course of six years, Starfall Colosseum, in the heart of River Crossing, stands as the largest arena for gladiatorial games in all of Kermoria.


Over the past century, Starfall has been used as both a home for gladiatorial, as well as a stage for a number of masterpiece performances from various bard colleges and theater troupes.  It is also frequently the home of travelling shows, circuses, and other menageries passing through Rivercrossing.


Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people visit Starfall each year to view shows, combats, and other events.
Founding Date
112 AV
Alternative Names
Ruling/Owning Rank


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