Brotherhood of the Silver Sword Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Brotherhood of the Silver Sword

The Brotherhood of the Silver Sword is an esteemed order based in Zoluren, renowned for its unyielding commitment to combating heresy, dark magic, and witchcraft. In many ways, they resemble their northern counterparts, the Hallowed Order, yet they differentiate themselves through their compassionate approach to the eradication of malevolent forces.

The Brotherhood's dedicated members, known as "brothers," undergo rigorous training and operate with remarkable autonomy, enabling them to patrol the province of Zoluren with remarkable efficiency. The organization is welcomed and embraced by the province's citizenry, who view them as bearers of hope and redemption. The Brotherhood of the Silver Sword focuses its efforts on seeking out and rehabilitating practitioners of dark arts and unholy entities, making mercy and justice its guiding principles. This unique approach distinguishes the Brotherhood as an esteemed and respected order in the realm.


The Brotherhood of the Silver Sword, often referred to as the Silver Sword, is a revered organization rooted in the province of Zoluren, dedicated to upholding justice, battling heresy, and eradicating dark magic and witchcraft. Their operational approach is distinctive, grounded in the principles of mercy and redemption. The Brotherhood's structure is designed to ensure effective operations while granting members, known as "brothers," significant autonomy. Prospective members go through a thorough training and vetting process, focusing on combat skills, investigative techniques, and knowledge of dark magic. Only those who demonstrate unwavering dedication, exceptional aptitude, and unshakable integrity are granted entry.

Once inducted, brothers are bestowed with the freedom to traverse Zoluren independently. They act swiftly in response to emerging threats and investigate reports of heresy, dark magic, and witchcraft. This autonomy enables them to root out malevolent individuals and entities effectively. The Brotherhood is characterized by its strict code of conduct, which prioritizes mercy, redemption, and compassion. Unlike their counterparts in Therengia, the Hallowed Order, the Silver Sword seeks to rehabilitate those found guilty, diverging from the "ends justify the means" philosophy. This compassionate approach sets them apart, and they aim to make well-considered decisions when confronting heresy and dark magic.

The citizens of Zoluren generally welcome the Brotherhood as friends and allies. They rarely engage in bloodshed or damage, and any harm they inadvertently cause is promptly compensated by the Crown. The Brotherhood's arrival in a plagued town is marked by discreet, efficient problem-solving, followed by a swift departure. Their calm and respectful demeanor, combined with their efficiency, has earned them the respect of the people.

The Brotherhood of the Silver Sword focuses on unmasking witches, lycanthropes, vampires, beastmen, skinwalkers, demons, and any other individuals associated with dark magic and heretical practices. Their primary goal is rehabilitation, always seeking an alternative to death when confronting the accused. This commitment to redemption and mercy is a defining characteristic of the Silver Sword's mission.

Their organizational structure and principles are tailored to allow their members to fulfill their mission while upholding these ideals.


The culture of the Silver Sword emphasizes efficiency, discretion, and compassion. When confronting supernatural threats and heretical practices, the brothers aim to cause minimal disruption to the communities they serve. They address problems quickly and efficiently, often without the need for bloodshed or damage. The citizens of Zoluren generally welcome the Brotherhood as allies. Their respectful and efficient approach, combined with their commitment to providing assistance, has fostered a strong bond of trust between the organization and the local populace. Any unintended harm caused by the Brotherhood during their operations is promptly rectified, further enhancing their reputation.

  The public agenda of the Silver Sword is straightforward: to uncover and unmask witches, lycanthropes, vampires, beastmen, skinwalkers, demons, and others associated with dark magic and heretical practices. Their primary goal is rehabilitation, and they always strive to find an alternative to the ultimate punishment of death when dealing with the accused. This commitment to redemption sets the Silver Sword apart from their counterparts in Therengia, who may adopt a more ruthless approach.

Where the light touches, evil shall be purged.

When properly supervised, a lycanthrope is nothing more than a very angry house dog during a full moon.  Lock it in it's cage, keep the public away, and you'll find them quite pleasant in the morning. -Brother Chrisjen Kolfax
Founding Date
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Training Level
Leader Title
Notable Members

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