Dwarves Species in Ken'Ser | World Anvil
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Those who say dwarves are born of stone are simple minded at best, and liars at worst. Dwarves are not so simple as the stone that lies beneath their feet, though we spend much of our time mining it. Nor are we the metal we have worked, creating weapons and artifacts of beauty. Not the gems we prize either. No dwarves are born of fire, the fire that gives us life in the cold deep tunnels of the earth and that heats the metal we work. Humans and halflings are born of dirt, the earth they love, elves of wood. Orcs are of raw metal, dragonborn of it when worked. Gnomes are air. Tieflings are fire as well, but a fire of nature, while we are fire tamed to our will.

Basic Information


Usually around 4 feet tall, dwarves are prone to thick hair and stocky builds, though some claim to have seen slender dwarves.

Genetics and Reproduction

A child of a dwarf mother, regardless of the father will always be a true, full dwarf. A dwarf father however has no such guarantees, usually the child turns out to be the race of the mother.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves tend to live in enclaves, many in the mountains, but also spread among the plains of Ken'Ser.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Lengthy, well maintained, braided hair is considered the most important trademark of beauty for a dwarf, male or female.

Common Dress Code

Dwarves tend to dress practically, usually wearing durable pants and tops in line with what the requirements of their day. Many will cover their hair to avoid it being damaged if doing heavy labor, or working over a fire.

Common Myths and Legends

Each race comes from an element. While most still worship the gods of Ken'Ser, they also consider the elements to be an integral part of understanding the world - Metal, Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.


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