Bah-Vit Character in Ken'Ser | World Anvil
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To the south, at last they found an ocean, and the travelers quickly soaked their tired feet in it’s waters. Bah-vit saw these newcomers, but he had heard from Haidar, and so he was subtler. He offered mankind memory, and they gladly accepted. He also gave them magic, which not all could use, but each were impressed by. But with these gifts came grief, as they remembered those they had lost, and blame, and resentment. So mankind left his waters quickly, unable to stand how well they could remember each death, slight, and angry word, though some stayed, unable to leave those memories and the hollow comfort they gave.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge

Holy Books & Codes


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sea Urchin, §Δ

Tenets of Faith

Seek out knowledge, for if you do not others may use it against you.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bah-Vit is depicted as an old man, a hunched over wizard with waves around his feet. Sea urchins cling to his robes, and sigils float in the air behind him.
Primary Temple: Fane of Bah-Vit
Divine Classification


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