Squad Leader in Kenpeitai | World Anvil
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Squad Leader

Squad Leader

You're a natural born leader, and your soldiers will follow you to hell and back. Knowing D&D that might not be an exaggeration either...  

Loyal Subordinates

At 3rd level you gain 1/2 CR points you can use to bring Miltary units of your choice under your command. Choose a unit from the "Military" section of the Monster Stat Blocks page to spend your points on. Units can be requisitioned at any allied military establishment, or from allies in the field. If your units survive to a long rest, you must use your CR points after the rest to maintain your current units. Subordinates have their turn immediately after yours. You gain additional CR points as you level up: 1 at level 5, 1 1/2 at level 7, 2 at level 9, 2 1/2 at level 11, 3 at level 13, 4 at level 16, 5 at level 18, and 6 at level 20  


At 7th level you can grant temporary hitpoints to any of your subordinates equal to your soldier level. Any hitpoints dissapear after a long rest, but your pool of temporary hitpoints you can grant also refreshes on a long rest  


At 10th level you gain the ability to call in subordinates and swap out your unit types after a long rest when you are seperated from any allied military establishments or allied units  

(3) Teamwork

At 15th level you gain the ability to use your bonus action to grant one of your units advantage on all their attacks for a turn. This ability can be used 3 times per long rest  

Undying Loyalty

At 18th level you can use your reaction to cause an attack that would otherwise kill one of your subordinates to instead bring them to 1 HP instead

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