Sage of Winter in Kenpeitai | World Anvil
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Sage of Winter

Sage of Winter

One of the fours sages, the sage of winter specializes in cold attacks and debuffing enemies. It is characterized by the Season of Winter, the Black Tortoise, the direction north, and the element of water.  

Winter Spells

(1) Create or Destroy Water, Ice Knife (3) Hold Person, Rime’s Binding Ice   (5) Sleet Storm, Magic Circle   (7) Control Water, Ice Storm   (9) Cone of Cold, Antilife Shell  

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.   -You create a chilling whirlwind around you. Enemies within 30ft of you make a Con save or take 2d8 cold damage and are moved 5ft in one direction in a circular motion from where you are, have their movement reduced to 0, and cannot regain hit points, until the beginning of your next turn. If they succeed, they instead take half damage and have their movement reduced by half.   -Frost spreads from your feet. You may make the area within 20ft of you difficult terrain and any creature who tries to move more than 10ft must make a Dex save or fall prone as ice manifests around you. You may move within this area unimpeded as if it were normal terrain.  

Aura of Winter

Starting at 7th level, enemies near you have their movement speed reduced by 10 ft. You and allies within 10ft gain resistance to cold damage. The range increases to 30ft at level 18.  

Black Tortoise

Beginning at 15th level, you gain the ability to summon your sage beast, the Black Tortoise. The summoning is done as an action and lasts one minute. The creature takes its turn immediately after yours. This ability can be used once per long rest.

Black Tortoise

Large ,
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: 80
Speed: 20 ft


18 +4


8 -1


20 +5


14 +2


16 +3


12 +1

Shelled - As an action the tortoise can retreat into his shell, raising his AC to 26. Once inside his shell he cannot do anything , but is able to emerge back out as a free action.   At level 20 the Black Tortoise gains the following ability:   Advanced Shelled - When the tortoise is shelled, he is able to heal 2d8 per turn


Bite - The tortoise uses the summoners str+proficiency to hit. 2d8+4 piercing, melee   At level 20 the Black Tortoise gains the following ability:   Thrown - When shelled, the tortoise can be thrown by the summoner or another ally as an action up to a distance of 80 feet. The trajectory can be either a straight line, or a 45 degree boomerang loop (still using the total movement round trip). Anyone within its path must make a DC 18 dex save or take 4d8 bludgeoning and be knocked prone.

The beast of the Sage of Winter. Once the sage reaches 20th level the Black Tortoise has its Armor Class increase to 22, its hitpoints increase to 110, and its speed increase to 30 feet

Frozen Stance

At 20th level, If you do not move on your turn you gain the benefits of the dodge action (attacks against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Dex saves)

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