Inari's Domain in Kenpeitai | World Anvil
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Inari's Domain

Inari's Domain

You worship the crafty and ambiguous kami of foxes and agriculture. His charm and cunning have become your power

Inari's Domain Spells

1: Charm Person, Disguise Self
  3: Animal Messenger, Calm Emotions
  5: Fast Friends, Create food and water
  7: Charm Monster, Polymorph
  9: Dominate Person, Modify Memory

God of Merchants

At 1st level you gain advantage on Persuasion checks regarding business.


At 2nd level you gain the ability to cast disguise self at will.

Inari's Messenger

At 6th level you gain an immortal white fox messenger that acts as the voice of Inari. The fox cannot attack, and will disappear if it drops to 0 hitpoints, and can be resummoned as a free action after a short rest. You can telepathically communicate with the fox, which is intelligent, up to a range of 30 feet. The fox can act as your scout or messenger, and uses the stat block of the fox.

Eye of Tamamo No Mae

At 8th level you can cast Geas once per long rest.
  With Geas you can now issue 2 commands per use of the spell.
  Saving throws against Geas are made with disadvantage by members of the opposite sex.

Bountiful Harvest

At 17th level you can cast Heroes Feast once per long rest.

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