Hepostrism Organization in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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The Arch Lector is the Ultimate Authority within the Hepostrist Church. Elected for life by the Council of Lectors, a nominated council of the Churches most favoured individuals who ultimately carry out the will of the Arch Lector and vote on several matters within the Churches Hierarchy. The Arch Lectors primary duties are to represent the Hepostrist Church as a face within the council of nobles seated in the Capital City of Stormwind. The Arch Lector also is the only person who is capable of launching crusades and wars of faith. The final role for the Arch Lector is to maintain the devotion of the average Citizen of Stormwind and attempt to bring more peoples from far off lands into the religion and to worship Orthodoxically. Summary:
  • The ultimate authority of the church can create new scriptures, rules and taxes etc.
  • Has a seat on the council of nobles in Stormwind, is known to send a delegate which is excepted as a necessity due to the Arch-Lectors busy schedule
  • To grow the churches, influence through orthodox worship

Council of Lectors

The Council of Lectors is the ruling council of the Hepostrist church. They are currently based in the Grand Cathedral of Nine in the Lectoral Palace at the centre of the Cathedral City. The Council is lead by the Arch Lector who gives them the tasks they are to undertake. During a time without an Arch-lector undertake his role until a new one is selected. To prevent the Council from holding onto this power for an extended period they are to disband every seven weeks and a new council is elected. The Council is comprised as the name suggests, of Lectors. Each Lector is elected by the Arch-Cardinals, each nominates a candidate taken from anywhere in the Church Hierarchy. Each Arch-Lector holds the power of one vote on matters that are brought to their attention, the Arch Lectors vote counts for three votes to refrain from any ties when voting is undertaken. One of the major roles of the Council is to act as a governing body of the church but it is also the final authority on matters of religious Doctrine for the faith of the Hepostrists, this includes the Knightly Doctrine that any Templars and Inquisitors follow. The Council of Lectors was created when the war of crown and cardinal ended and the Hepostrist church started its reorganisation under the guidance of the new King Anduin the Oathkeeper. The first members were chosen as a result of the surviving administration from the siege of the Grand Cathedral, these members of the church chose those who had shown true courage during the siege and strength of will that the church would need in the coming days. Summary:
  • Governing body of the church
  • Given tasks by the Arch Lector
  • Live in the Lectoral Palace, in the Centre of The Grand Cathedral of the Nine
  • While a new Arch Lector is being chosen the Council of Lectors performs the Arch Lectors job, but must surrender this power and disband the Council after 7 weeks.
  • Lectors are taken from anywhere within the Hierarchy of the Church


Clergy Breakdown

The majority of the Clergy is separated into ranks and roles that help separate the churches micromanagement needs. Each of the Roles is designed to help look after the churches interests from the provincial level down to the individual worshipper of any of the pantheon gods.

Arch Cardinals

An Arch Cardinal is one of the highest-ranking members of the clergy and they predate the reorganisation of the Church. The arch cardinals are responsible for the spiritual guidance of the masses on a provincial level, this is their diocese in which they organise the general goals and direction the Cardinals take.


The Cardinals are more numerous than the Arch Cardinals, and they play more of an immediate role with the Churches followers. They may give larger sermons, but their primary role is to execute the orders of the Arch Cardinal that oversees them. The Diocese of each of these Cardinals is usually a large town or city. They are expected to guide the masses and the minor clergy spiritually. The main difference between the cardinals is were they are located, some of them prefer to stay in cathedrals or churches of great renown to the area while other like to roam the area getting a more direct approach.

Priests Vicars & Clerics

These are the real driving force of the church. The priest vicars and clerics are just some of the titles for those who host congregations and flocks of spiritual believers of the Hepostrist Pantheon. Their role in the church is simply guided those in need, provide shelter and food to any church member in times of need and to those of the faith. Another considerable role of these men and women of the church is to oversee the collection money of the masses is sent directly to the Church where it can be distributed according to the Council of Lectors wishes.

The Ordo-Primaris

The Ordo Primaris commonly referred to as just Primaris is a small organisation within the churches structure. They are guided by the Cardinals, but their mission is to spread the Gods influence over the masses both within Stormwind and farther afield. Known as free-roaming zealous preachers of the church these clergy-men are known at worst as psychopathic witch hunters and at best annoying nuisances from a far off kingdom.

Primaris Prime

The Primaris Primes are older Primaris who have earned recognition in the eyes of an Arch Cardinal and earned themselves the title of a Prime. The title is mainly ceremonial, but it does put them ahead of their Primaris brothers and sisters.


The Role of a Primaris to undertake a mission to spread the influence of Hepostrism. They do this by reading from holy texts and worshipping the pantheon gods. Many of these Primaris are paladins who also hunt evils in the world in an effort to inspire worship for their patron gods.


The Hepto-Militarum has its routes in the Orc invasion of Stormwind when the churches Clergy took it upon themselves to rally the men and women of the kingdom to fight back. When the Church was reorganised after the tensions of the war between the Church and the Royal Family. Most of the men and women who served the church during that dire time disbanded and went home, the realities of war growing tiresome. However, those that did stay weather for personal glory or a sense of duty to the Church found themselves in higher positions of this newly reformed church.   The Hepto-Militarum now act as the military force of the Church. Their primary role of the order is to protect the faithful of the church, however, in times of war when the Arch Lector declares a crusade or lends the order to the Kingdom of Stormwind the Hepto-Militarum forces act as heavy infantry and Cavalry.   The Order is separated into two sub Orders being the Holy Inquisition and the Knights Templar. Each of these has its own duties and responsibility to the Hepostrist Church.  


The Inquisition formally called The Holy Order of the Inquisition, is a secretive organisation that exists as a sort of policing force for the faithful. The Inquisition has been formally tasked since its inception with hunting down any of the myriad threats to the stability of the Churches influence, from the corruption caused by forces of evil, heretics, monstrosities and rebels against the kingdom, to assaults from vicious orc warbands and tyrannical kingdoms.   The Inquisition is broken down into three ranks Inquisitor Primaris, Inquisitor, and Inquisitor Acolyte. The Title of an Inquisitor Primaris is given to an Inquisitor by the Arch Lector, usually awarded for great acts of service. For example, an Inquisitor who has stopped a great orc invasion before it started and while slaying demons and devils in the process, these are the acts that earn the title of Inquisitor Primaris. Because of this Inquisitor Primaris are very few in number only a handful have ever existed at any one time.   Inquisitors are permitted nearly unlimited authority within the church, only a Knight-Captain or Knight-Commander may counteract the orders given by an Inquisitor Acolyte and the clergy have no authority over the Inquisition although Inquisitor highly respects the Clergy for their work and very rarely have to use their authority. Inquisitors are permitted to demand service of any citizen, soldier, knight, Noble of the realm. Any Knightly Order gifted with a Purity Seal known as an Ordo Rosette is exempt from the Inquisitions conscription.   Inquisitors also have absolute power of judge and execute supposed heretics, monstrosities and rebels. In certain times an Inquisitor may take prisoners alive and leave them in the hands of the torture chambers of the grand Cathedral.   The Final power gifted to an Inquisitor is the right of Excommunication. An Inquisitor has the power to declare an individual, or sometimes an organisation or family as Excommunicated. This declaration excommunicates the accused from the Hepostrist Church and the Kingdom of Stormwind. This is an indication that the afflicted party should be hunted down and exiled from the kingdom, however, usually, the sentence is an indication that they should be killed for the good of the faith and the empire. In extreme circumstances, Inquisitors themselves can be Excommunicated but this can only be done by the Arch-Lector or an Inquisitor Primaris.   To become an Inquisitor the candidate is offered a position in the Holy Order and from there the training begins. Firstly, the Acolytes are trained by the Inquisitions administrative forces. A typical day for an acolytes’ first few years of service begin rising at dawn, praying to the gods, lessons on devils’ demons and other monstrosities, combat training in the afternoon, then physical exercise and finally more praying before bed. Their training is brutal and rigorous they have to perfect their bodies and their mind before they are allowed to progress to the next stage of an acolyte. Once the Acolyte has been deemed worthy, they are attached to a willing Inquisitor and will learn from this master. This is usually were many acolytes lose their lives during acts of heroism or more often than not their teacher deeming them more useful as a distraction than anything else.   After an Acolyte is deemed worthy by his teacher then he is allowed to undertake a quest to earn his Inquisitor status. These are given to them by the Inquisitions administration department and typically is a quest to investigate possible demon worship or a particularly vicious monster has been spotted and needs dealing with. Should the fledgeling Inquisitor return then they allowed to take the Inquisitor's oath and gifted a badge of office which allows them access to all the privileges of an Inquisitor. These badges are magically enchanted so only the inquisitor who owns it may hold it without the badge causing serious bodily harm.


The Knights Templar is the military force behind the church comprised of several thousand members they are the backbone of the Churches power. They are tasked with keeping the peace and protecting sacred sites such as reliquaries and churches. It is written that all holy sites should have a detachment of templars to guard them but in practice, there is simply not enough templars to guard every church or place of worship.   The Templars are a military organisation and thusly have to undergo strict training. As a result, they only take in those who meet their standards which are notoriously high. Templars are garrison troops however, they are expected to undertake quests when they become fully-fledged Templars. The majority of the garrison duties are undertaken by the Acolytes and the Flagellants.   The Role of Acolytes is to primarily support Flagellants and learn from them, they do undertake small military duties and during times of war, they act as the front line infantry. The Flagellants role is similar to the Acolytes however, they are given more responsibility and slightly more autonomy than the acolytes and usually lead squads of thirty or more acolytes. The Templar is a sacred rank and highly coveted among the Knights-Templar, the primary role of a templar is to act a leader to those around him and they do not formally command any troops of the order, but they are revered by the lower ranks.   Templars are the heavy troops of the order very autonomous usually working in groups of 5 or less, however, is not unheard of that groups 15-25 join in grand quests. Templars reach the rank of Knight Templar when they are knighted by either a Knight-Captain or higher (Inquisitors have this right). Knight Captains act as leaders of cohorts, these cohorts are comprised of 50-100 Templars and each Knight Captain is under the command of a Knight Commander. The Knight Captains of the Hepto-Militarum undertake quests for the deity they patronise and usually bring a contingent of Templars with them.   Knight Commanders are the highest rank available to the templar order, they are responsible for mobilising a legion of Templars. Each legion is comprised of five Cohorts and a contingency of Acolytes and Flagellants. The Knight Commanders are allowed to undertake crusades however, they are usually rendered unable to peruse such tasks as their duties are many. A Knight Commander is expected to show his face within the Cathedrals that dot the Kingdom and provide support to the army of Stormwind at their discretion or the order of Council of Lectors. There have only ever been 4 commanders at any onetime and due to the pillar laws which restrict the growth of the Hepto-Militarum, it is unlikely that a fifth or sixth commander will be promoted.


The Rise in the West

The Hepostrist Church was created during a time of unification of human tribes on Kelkanors’ eastern coast. The church saw its rise to power under the first king of Stormwind; Darnath the Troll Slayer. Darnaths uniting of the human clans that dotted the Harvest Lands, Hill Lands, Marsh Lands and Forest Lands. Darnath started conquering them and incorporating them into his tribe. This was not always willingly and thus friction grew. Darnath knew he needed to unite the people before his next war was a civil one.   The Human clans worshipped in a variety of different ways and a variety of deities. Some venerated wild gods, as a patron like figure. Darnaths home clan the Anderhiems worshipped 3 deities, The Light Farther, The Lady of Life & The Dragon of War.   It is best to note before proceeding, the gods always existed however, they were worshipped under different names. The Lady known as Eyia was also known as the Vardent Flame, The Doe who Roams the woods, Aquaius the waters of life and many others. Darnaths idea was to unite the fighting religions by showing them that the Doe and Flame are the same entity. By doing this the people would be able to share a common ground and a faith that instilled them with the same unifying values.   Darnath pondered this problem for months but eventually gathered scholars who he put in charge of taxing religious worship. Any sacrifice, offering or sermon would be taxed, this funded Darnaths Army & the beginnings of a new city. The taxes were taken from tributes that were given during sacrifices and offerings, whereas sermons were used to either further Darnaths influence and any gifts left to the overseeing preacher were confiscated in the name of Darnath. Eventually, Darnath identified the deities who brought in the most income, thusly Darnath funded his versions/avatars of these gods. He settled on 6 gods; Azrael, Galědion, Bahamut, Eyia, Uriel, Garalon. These avatars he spread through agents such as holy warrior and wise men. They would fight in the name of their chosen deity screaming their names and inspiring the troops with their divine magic. The wise men would spread stories and perform minor miracles to the people of the villages until over many years the populace accepted and even loved these deities.   Through the use of these agents, Darnath curated a following of Hepostrists’ (though they did not adopt this name at the time). Darnath then removed taxes for the followers of his chosen deities and over the years the following grew and swallowed up the majority of his subjects and by the time Darnath conquered the great City of Strom he had considered his people united under his rule and cemented by Hepotrists. The loss of tax revenue was addressed when Darnath reintroduced taxes for Hepostrism. This was done over time and done under clever guises such as faithful investment in new holy sites and protection from evil spirits. Over time it was excepted by the majority of the populace as another governmental demand that they could not ignore.  

The Trials of the Church

With wartime finally coming to an end, Darnath started his civil planning for this new human kingdom. This meant the churches agents needed structure and so the first cardinals were chosen. The candidates for the cardinals were chosen less for their devotion to the deities that Darnath set out, and more on their devotion to Darnath and his great cause. Darnath wanted this council to be loyal to him and so 3 of the 5 chosen were generals of his unification war. The cardinal’s premise was simple they would elect arch-cardinals for each province; Harvest Lands, Marsh Lands, Hill Lands & Forest Lands. The key point for these cardinals would be the oath they swore to the crown; this oath was to serve the gods in the name of Darnath the Trollslayer and only with is blessing. The Empire went on Darnath passed on and kings rose and fell, until Ivonius the 1st.   This lazy, neglectful king lost Stormwind to an orc invasion, led by a particularly vicious and cunning Warchief; Grommkar the Red. The Orcs use of demons and magically enhanced soldiers meant that Stormwinds forces who have been lacking in funding and leadership were absolutely crushed. When the kingdom was falling around the people the church rose up as a bastion of hope. Under the original doctrine of the church, the church was not allowed to host a military force. With the situation of the orcs, the church abandoned this took in soldiers and formed the knight's templar. Fighting back the green tide with heroes such as Argusius and Arthur making famous last stands (see the 1st Orc invasion document for details). The crown was reinstated only because of Ivonius, he eventually pulled his act together and raised an army of his loyalist followers. The following years lead to much tension and infighting.  

Knights of the Nine

  After the kingdom was saved tensions grew between the church and the Crown. With the church wanting to escape the shackles that Darnath had put in place centuries ago, the friction between the two forces grew to the point where the fighting started to break out. With the churches members no longer feeling safe without the aid of those knights who had rallied behind them they had one course of action open to them; an exodus. The Church left its home of the Cathedral of the Seven and started funnelling their taxes to building a new cathedral one closer to a fortress city than a place of worship. This great new fortress city was known as the Grand Cathedral of the Nine. This name refers to the Nine knightly Orders who supported their succession form the crown. These Knightly Orders were as follows:  
  • The Knights of Absolution were previously an excommunicated chapter of knights who repented and follow the church with Zealous enthusiasm.
  • The Knights of the Bleeding Swords, a group of Knights who are known for recruiting young orphan boys and girls. Their tactics do not stray from attack the problem head-on. Their swords are enchanted to bleed the blood of the enemies they slay, and they consider it an embarrassment to draw their swords dry.
  • The Knights of the order of Ki-Rin, a Knightly order who trace their origins to a sacred grove Guarded by a noble Ki-Rin of Eyia. They are known for protecting druids who come through the Forest Lands.
  • The Knights of the Flame a group of knights who protect an eternal flame gifted by Eyias angels. They are known for using Flame Tongue weaponry.
  • The Knights of the Black Book, these knights follow the teachings of war written within a mysterious tome. Rumours that this tome was a sister text to the Book of Iod are strongly disagreed with by the members.
  • Knights of the order of Demons Bane these knights use no special weapons but rely on scripture and the relationship with the gods to defeat Demons from the Abyss. They are known for strict adherence to Holy Scriptures.
  • Knights of the Sun Soul, these Knights believe in the strength of the human soul and aim to prove their strength by fighting in the martial art style that they are named after. They primarily worship Bahamut and like to undertake quests to kill large threats such as orcs and goliath warlords.
  • Knights of the Covenant these knights made a pact with the church to always protect the church and its members. They were formed during the first orc invasion by cardinal Ivan Von Kastrov who led them to kill orcs of the lightning hammer, during the orcs campaign in Barovich on their march to Andorhal.
  • Knights of the Rose, these knights are simple in their agenda they wish to protect the people of Stormwind. The church likes to favour them as they famed for leaving roses were, they go. This helps the church spread its influence as patrons of this great and noble knightly order. It is common for a commoner to leave tokens of gratitude at houses baring the white rose, as these are safe houses of the Order.

The War of Crown & Cardinal

These knightly orders still serve the church openly to this day. Their knights openly defied the crown when they aided the Churches succession from the capital and the building of this new Grand Place of Worship. When this defiance began it sent a clear message that Royale Family could not ignore; that being the Royale Family’s Weakness. The Reign of Ivonius was wrought with struggle and then civil war again as he ordered his armies to pull down the churches until the Arch-Cardinals relinquished the Knights of the Oath they swore to the church. When the Arch Cardinals refused to bow down to the kings demands the Knights under their employ manned the Grand Cathedrals walls.   Ivonius Raised a force of 6’000 to fight the churches forces of a mere 1’500. Ivonius army was comprised of several Knightly Orders still loyal to the Crown but mainly it was made up of several nobles who gifted their personal forces from the lands they ruled, this meant many peasants and men-at-arms. After a short land campaign where the Churches forces gathered supplies from the surrounding area in a torch and burn strategy, the Knights held up in the Grand Cathedral. Here Ivonius settled his forces for a long siege as the initial assault he ordered cost him greatly. After 2 years of this siege, the forces of the crown finally surrendered when Ivonius was bested in single combat by the famed Knight, Argusius.
“He Swept down upon the king’s encampment, his white wings dribbling crimson with the latest vanguard assault. Argusius, known as the protector of the kingdom and angel of retribution, thrust his standard into the ground and called out for his king. This hulking knight challenged the king to single combat, to the death. Should the king fail his forces would disband leave the Church alone, should Argusius loose the church would surrender to the king’s judgement.” – Ser Fulgrim, Memoir of a blue cloak
With the King slain by a great knight, the Kingdom was shaken as no king had ever fallen in single combat before however, luckily for this ageing Kingdom its salvation came in the form of the Prince; Anduin the Oathkeeper. The prince had followed the army at his father’s behest as a way to teach his son the ways of war. However, Anduin always disagreed with his fathers’ actions and attitude to the church, being a devote Hepostrist it was widely known that the crown prince and king often argued over matters regarding the state of the church and the kingdom's attitude to their spiritual brethren. And so, his first order was given before his father’s corpse; to disband this siege and disband the army until it was needed again. King Anduin passed a lot of doctrines & laws surrounding the church. Among these, he passed the knightly Doctrines; Pious, Stern and Zealous.

The Three Pillar Laws

The Three Doctrines set out by Anduin the 1st were added to the Knightly Orders Mandatory Doctrines. This is what created the knights of Stormwind known today. The purpose of these doctrines, when added to the existing ones, was to create Knights Loyal to the crown but only while the crown is loyal to the church & the church is dependant on the crown. This Relationship is enforced by the laws Anduin passed. These laws are known as the 3 pillar laws, each designed to tie the powers of the crown and church together so that the two organisations would not be at each other’s throats again.
  1. Pillar of Submission – The Crown must be coronated by the Arch Lector of the church to be legitimate. The Arch Lector must swear fealty to the King of Stormwind.
  2. Pillar of Wealth – The church and the crown, will spend a total of 1 million Gold every 5 years on projects, services, infrastructure etc, other than the Military forces, this is to tame the spending and Strength of each organisation's Military Power.
  3. Pillar of Might – The church is allowed, by the crown to host a military force, that does not need to adhere to the doctrines set out by the crown. The Church must place its Military under control of the crown although they can remain under the leadership of their captains by any oaths binding them to the church; under times of war.

The Church Reorganises

With the Church Finally free to create its own military it decided to reorganise its entire internal structure. The Arch Cardinals would vote on 5 Lectors who were taken from anyone in the church’s hierarchy. These Lectors will vote on an Arch Lector who has complete control over the church. In short, the Hepostrists church was turned into a mini-nation within Stormwind. The Military arm of the Church was created; The Hepo-Militarum. This was made up of 2 organisations the Inquisition & the Templars. The Inquisition is an organisation that is both feared and respected throughout the kingdom and beyond. The Templars are the heavy foot soldiers of the Church. They are recruited from anywhere usually by templar knights or clergymen. The Inquisition is capable of recruiting its own members from outside the church by mainly sticks to Templars who show an aptitude for Inquisitorial roles, the only requirement is that they must be devoted Hepostrists.

The Church Today

Finally, the church was not only free of influence from outsiders but also to defend the people it preached to about protection. With the Reign of Anduin the 1st baring no children from 12 different wives the Trollslayers lineage died out, but distant relatives in the shape of the great noble house of Wrynn would carry on the mantle of Kings of Stormwind. Llayne Wyrnn the 1st was famed for his young years as an adventuring knight who travelled the world and even visited the elemental planes. This young king was more of a fighter than a king. However, he did make one major change to the church. Llayne introduced the worship of the Ashique god Ratatôskr the great squirrel. There was no large movement nor controversial law put in place, Llayne simply worshipped the great Squirrel God of the Astral Sea and as he led as king, the nobles wishing to gain favour with him started to worship him. As he was a beloved king the people followed his example and over time the new deity was fully incorporated into the Hepostrist pantheon.   This is how the church came to be the organisation it is today, created by a king to quell his kingdoms civil unrest, struggled for its freedom and finally asserted its self as an organisation that could defend its self and spread the word of the gods to the masses.


The Church has several sects within its ranks, these are primarily followed by the Clergy, as the Hepo-militarum vows to protect the entire church and all the Sects within it. these Sects work together and all share a strong relationship built upon co-operation and respect. A clergy member will quickly devote themselves to a specific Sect while still holding faith with the other deities of the pantheon. Each Sect has a leader who oversees their devote followers determining where they are stationed and what objectives they shall pursue.  
Church of the Dawn
The church of the Dawn is devoted to the worship of Uriel. These followers aim to work within communities to spread the message of civilization, its beauty and its necessity. The members are the first to follow the Templars when defending the people, they even have a strange cult within their ranks, known as the Cult of Dusk. This cult takes the ideas of the church and its protection of civilization and enacts upon them by using the darkness that Uriel fights against to fight, they are a true fight fire with fire culture.  
Church of Life
The church of Life is devoted to the worship of Eyia, The Lady of Life. The church is filled with those who embrace the nature around them, those who feel for their neighbours in pain and always act to bereave the suffering of those in need.  
Church of the Oracle
The church of the Oracle is devoted to the worship of Galedion. The followers of this church are scholars, they work to preserve knowledge and see that it is shared with the people. Their doctrine ensures that knowledge should be shared but not if it is dangerous to those who cannot wield it. The members of the church seek out long lost knowledge be it in texts, artefacts or ghosts of the past sharing their final words.  
Church of the Tempest
The church of the Tempest is devoted to the worship of Garalon, Gale Of Dread. The members of this church are not as numerous as others but they are primarily sent to coastal settlements where their affinity with the storms can be utilised. The clerics will bless fishermen and merchants as they depart to the oceans and far off lands, although they often accompany naval missions to deal with pirates and dangerous mercenaries using the storms fury to gain the upper hand at sea. The members of this church are infamously stoic and blunt, dealing with the harsh realities of change instead of dealing with the process of accepting change.  
Church of the Mourning
The church of the Mourning is devoted to the worship of Azrael, The Angel of Death. This sect is not widely loved by the populace, fearing their worshipers dressed in black and masked in porcelain skulls. The aim of this church is to deal with the transition of life after death. These church members have an affinity with death despising undeath in all its forms and working to ensure that life is left uncorrupted by those who would define the gods gifts and defy the great work of Azrael.  
Church of the Trickster
The Church of the Trickster is devoted to the worship of Ratatöskr. This church is strange as it focuses on the worship of the god of Astral Sea a strange being is known for his incredible power but also his strange demeanour. These members bring joy to the world and teach of the powers of travel how communication is important and through strange ceremonies and holidays were pranks and practical jokes are used to build the bonds between peoples far and wide. The sect is not as widespread as others but they ensure that the people of Stormwind are open to communicating with those within and beyond their borders, without this cult the people of Stormwind would be the Zealous, Xenophobic warmongers that many of the others kingdoms on the continent sea them as.  
Church of the Platinum Dragon
The church of the Platinum Dragon is devoted to the worship of Bahamut. The sect is a church of war, they pray for the knights of Stormwind they accompany them in their campaigns. The members of this church are paladins and clerics, they aim to bring about the glory of war and the swift end of the orc menace in the west. The duties of this sect include rallying the people and inspiring them to fight as well as training for the wars that will inevitably come.


  • Stormwind Kingdom 448
    The Kingdom of Stormwind, circa 448 p.d.
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Church of the Seven
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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