Ratatöskr Character in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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Being the God of the Astral Sea Ratatöskr is the patron god of the Asheq, with his 3 forms making up the pantheon of the Asheq. These forms of the great Squirrel God are known to the Asheq as follows. Rata the spirit of Travel a golden brown and blue squirrel who watches the “roads” and powers the crystals that drive the Knarr, this spirit is known to be cheerful and boisterous. To [Pronounced T-oh] the spirit of Trade a blue and snow-white Squirrel who embodies the Asheq’s nature to trade with people and forge long-lasting relationships, this spirit is known to be shy but trusting in those who prove themselves to her. Skr [pronounced SK-ur] the spirit of War a black and purple Squirrel who fights off the monsters of the Astral Sea purging the Sea of dreadnoughts, this spirit is known to be angry and vicious. When these spirits come together the Asheq believe that the great final form of Ratatöskr a benevolent Squirrel god of gold and blue.   Ratatöskr is also worshipped slightly differently by the Hepostrist church. The church believes him to be a god of trickery and joy, he is a being who sits within the astral sea spreading mischief, pranking gods and allowing travel between the planes, although he always demands a price; usually something be nine. The Church believes he wishes to tear down tyrants, to bring down those who would act important and exploit the oppressed.

Divine Domains


Ratatöskr is a strange divine being, a collation of three. Within the Asheq tribes he is worshipped as more than trickster, but a pantheon, however, to the Kingdom of Stormwind his trickster form is the idol of their worship. The Hepostrism worship of this god focuses on his form; Rata, however, their interpretation of this form is a god of trickery who brings joy and freedom where travels. His domain represents the challenge of order, Thieves, scoundrels, gamblers, rebels, and liberators flock to his worship. His teachings are to disrupt the boredom in the world, to bring joy and misery in equal measure and inspire love with they go. Ratatöskr teaches his followers to steal, prank and deceive those who would oppress and bring misery.

Tenets of Faith

Mischief. Mischief.
Divine Classification


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