Ordo-Primaris Organization in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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The Ordo-Primaris commonly referred to as just Primaris is a small organization within the church's structure. They are guided by the Cardinals, but their mission is to spread churches influence over the masses both within Stormwind and farther afield. Known as free-roaming zealous preachers of the church these clergy-men are known at worst as psychopathic witch hunters and at best annoying nuisances from a far off kingdom.    The Mission statement for the Primaris and their Primes is to simply convert those who are unfaithful and report upon any corruption they find. They are missionaries at heart accompanying trade caravans to lands beyond Stormwinds boarders, Templars and Inquisitors when towns or villages become unclean with the worship of false gods and evil idols.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Darnath Anderhiem once walked among men, but He is, and always has been, a prophet of the heavens.
  • The Gods the true deities of the world, regardless of what past faiths any human may have worshipped.
  • To purge the heretic, beware the false idol, and abhor the orc.
  • Every human being has a place within the divine order.
  • To unquestionably obey the authority of the church and the crown.

Faith can taught, faithlessness must be purged

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Masked Preachers
Parent Organization


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