Drenhallow Settlement in Kealladius | World Anvil
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Based next to Lake Placid within the Kingdom of Norgoth. The town sits next to Lake Placid and surrounds a small hill with some Castle Ruins (Castle Dren ) that lie atop it. There is a large fisherman industry in this town that fishes the eerie dark fog-enshrouded waters. A Ferry will also take you across the waters to Hag's Ferry . Hag’s Ferry is a decrepit population of paupers and Lepers.


Human (35%)
Half -Elf (15%)
Elf (10%)
Half-Orc (5%)
Dwarf (5%)
Halfling (10%)
Tielfling (5%)
Tabaxi (10%)
Other (5%)


Rules by a broken monarch of elves. A Half-Elf named Espiriah Dren now rules Drenhallow and the surrounding lands from the ruins of her families once-proud Castle Dren. The Castle and town were sacked by a beast from the water of Lake Placid. The beast was said to have destroyed the castle in retaliation from those who would not worship the god Yeeseria. God of Nature.  


The huge fishing community, logging. Nearby black ridge mines hold lots of precious materials as well if they can be reclaimed.  

Notable People:

Espiriah Dren  

Festivals and Important Days:

Harvest Day
Yeeseria Day – Once per month.  


The Goat’s Tongue
The Crying Centaur
The Little Sea


The Frayed Goblin
Exalted Weapons and More    


Varisha – Goddess of the Seas
Yeeseria – Goddess of Nature


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