Plain Elves Ethnicity in Karnum | World Anvil
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Plain Elves

Plain elves are a sub-race of elves native to [Yuruk-Tar. Elves of other continents have no record or memory of these elves however the plain elves themselves claim to have stories that have been passed down from generations about how they came from other continents to live in Yuruk-Tar, although many are skeptical of these claims. The most striking feature of plain elf situation that outsiders quickly notice is their innate dominance over the animals of Yuruk-Tar with many having dinosaurs as mounts and hyenas as pets. They believe that the perfect life is defined by a perfect stewardship over animals.

Plain Elf

Plain Elves are a sub-race of elves native to Yuruk-Tar which, as the name suggests, live on the wide plains of the continent and are known for their dominion over the animals of the plains.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength Score increases by 1
age: Although plain elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 750 years old
alignment: In the same way that plain elves believe that they must be good stewards of animals they believe they must be fair to one another and not treat each other poorly without good reason. As such they lean towards Neutral Good.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish. Although quite similar to the elvish of other parts of the world the plain elf dialect differs in that its names for animals are far more specific and it is often spoken faster with slightly less emotional expression.
parent race:
race features:
Beast Training. You have proficiency in animal handling. In addition if a beast is friendly to you it obeys your verbal commands and follows your physical direction (as with steering a horse) effectively even if it is not trained and/or lacks the equipment usually required. A beast will not obey a command it is not willing to do in the first place i.e. jumping off of a cliff or charging at a creature from which it suffering the frightened condition and this ability has no affect on the beasts attitude towards you in the first place.


Common Myths and Legends

The Exile From Edrasyl

Just as all elves were exiled from Edrasyl for one sin or another and stripped of their immortality and many of their abilities so were the plain elves.
After the sacred forests of Edrasyl had been destroyed by the elves that are now the wood elves Haiyun saw all the animals of her realm scattered, terrified, and without the essentials they required. Without the shelter of the trees and caves or the food which the shrubs and other flora provided they would die off from exposure to the elements, illness, starvation, and worse. She came the elves that lived amongst in the fields and the plains and asked them to care for the displaced creatures, and of course these elves accepted. Initially the elves took pride in their care of the animals, growing food for them and building their shelters, tending to the sick and even taking some time to play with the more active creatures.
However this care began to wear on the elves. The woods did not grow back after a few days nor a few weeks nor months nor even years, and the elves began to grow impatient. They tired of callousing their hands building and mending the shelters for the birds and the bears, of constantly tilling and harvesting the foods that the animals needed yet would not grow without backbreaking labor, and most of all they resented their inability to pursue anything aside from animal tending.
It started with the idea of one elf who cared for few families of hares. He could not neglect the animals under his care
Encompassed species


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