Vacío Sagrado Geographic Location in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

Vacío Sagrado

It was early in the morning as barely a ray of sunlight peeking over the distant horizon. This left the forest draped in deep shadow as Miria casually made her way down the short trail leading to her private grove. Opaque, knee-high mist flowed among the trees like a ghostly river, coursing over the dim forest floor and leaving her lower half soaked from the heavy mist and dewy underbrush.
As she neared the clearing, Miria noted that there was something large and dark at its center. A wide door frame of solid, dark stone loomed 20ft. high and filled with wooden doors so dark the grain could barely be seen. There was no handle or latch on the doors and when the young druid neared close enough to see the bottom of the door through the grass, the doors slid open. Not inward or outward, but down.
Before her, through this mysterious stone doorway, Miria could suddenly see a barren badlands that stretched beyond sight. Her instincts reacted faster than her thinking mind, her supernatural connection to nature warning her of a threat. Having a vague comprehension of how a portal like this works she figured she could just 'do it with magic' and pulled a sprig of mistletoe from behind her ear. Centering her breath and crushing the herb between her palms, Miria didn't notice the dark form that stepped around from the other side of the door. Sliding a slender steel blade from beneath their cloak and in one swift motion they lunged forward, surprising Miria and sliding the blade between her ribs. Unable to do so much as gasp due to the punctured lung, she seized physically as the dark figure took a firm grip on the back of her collar and heaved her through the open door.
A completely forgien environment from those known across the face of Kaos, Vacio Sagrado is a vast plain that extends in every direction beyond the horizon line. The only entrance is a door - a literal stone doorframe that moves via metaphysical means to different locations across Kaos; however its location in Vacio Sagrado does not change.
Over the centuries, Aldrek Demo'rai has used the land for every conceivable purpose. Hoarding wealth, flesh pits (either kind), prison, and finally; sanctuary. Aldrek has claimed the region around the Doorway and has recently learned that his control over this limnal region, wherever it may actually exist, has grown over time. An entire mountain range recently materialized almost overnight (if Vacia Sagrado had a day/night cycle) as though a gargantuan hand had pushed the peaks upward into the sky from deep beneath the surface of the ground. This is the first major change Aldrek has even made to the region and has piqued his desire to continue making more adjustments in the future.
Despite having used the region near the Doorway for thousands of years, beyond a few hours walk from the entrace is a completely barren plain, untouched and unclaimed by anyone. An endless wasteland devoid of anything except dust and wind.


The landscape of this region was originally devoid of any notable features and remains so outside of the region directly surrounding the Doorway where Elairion has had a major influence. When Elairion first stepped through the Doorway he was met by only the horizon in every direction. Over the centuries he's learned ways of manipulating the geography in minor ways as his metaphysical ties to the region grew stronger. By using this strange connection he can exert his will to literally transform the world around him to his desires - and Elairion always has desires.
The most massive change to the local geography is also the most recent. Elairion has manifested an entire mountain range to encircle his current center of research, Sarug Keep and the 'city' surrounding it. This huge change didn't have any effect on the residents - there were no tremors or earthquakes felt by those in the keep nearby. All citizens of Sarug Keep have a healthy fear of Elairion, however those that witnessed him literally move mountains now also have a great deal of respect for him, too. He could bury them all with a thought but instead he shelters them in his own personal demesne.
Alternative Name(s)
The Grand Abyss
Included Locations


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