The Greeting of Gentlemen Tradition / Ritual in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

The Greeting of Gentlemen

In Olde Stretto the custom of having 'greeting sex' with the anchor or assigned servants working on your floor of the airliner. It's a joke that passengers can use to break the ice in a conversation or as a come-on to gauge thier potential partners interest level.
Prior to the Allegran Accords, the city of Stretto was already known as the 'city of glamour' due to it's largely wealthy population. Along with affluence often comes the desire to feel important or influential and the citizens of Stretto are an extreme example of how ego can shape an entire culture; from their archetecture and fashion to the very laws that govern the day-to-day lives of every citizen.
Given the high walls of the city, luxury aerial tours became a lasting fad during the height of Olde Stretto's debaucherous peak. As a new kind of entertainment, the liners were not yet strictly regulated by the monarchy and this proved quite an advantage as they could set the desired etiquette - and many of these were sexualized due to the new freedom these flying apartments could provide.
the person who conferred a favour by giving an order got nothing but his bare money's worth, and short measure of that; while the man who was on good terms with himself had a little kindness to share with his fellow creatures and especially for those who serviced him.
Once bound for a far-off port you must make every possible endeavour to be comfortable, and from the captain down to the smallest cabin-boy it is the life work of these trained men to make people content with life in a liner. A little cheerful courtesy is a small price to pay for their co-operation.
— Khegsar Imperial Manual
of etiquette & manners (3730 print)
The 'Greeting of Gentlemen' is a tradition originally described in the 3730 NC edition of the 'Khegsar Imperial Manual of Etiquette & Manners'. The book itself was over two hundred pages of how to make the most of your time on the aircraft, which amenities were available for that year, and how to prepare for spending so much time away from the city. The Khegsar were long-standing and influencial family of unstanding miscreants who consistently pushed against monarchy by using their own rules and laws against the institution for the betterment of the greater population, but more importantly inflating thier own influence in some way.


This custom is based on an antiquated code of etiquette that was first printed in a handbook for people preparing for aerial living in an airliner. Specific to the Khegsar family ships, the previous editions of the handbook had a custom called 'Greeting the Gentlemen' which outlined expected behaviour when first boarding the ship and greeting the servants that would be caring for the passenger. Since the Khegsar had firmly established their reputation as sex-positive and willing to make some money from it, nobody was surprised when their flagship airline was pointedly aimed at male patrons who enjoy the intimate company of other males.
3730 NC was the year the monarchy finally tried to push a law that would punitively tax the airliner companies for the freedom they'd had for hundreds of years. This prompted several smaller 'sky living' companies to petition the Khegsar family to help protect them as a cultural institution rather than individual money-grubbing 'land'-lords. This led to Khegsar updating their social manual and abandoned all pretense to being anything other than a beautiful flying whorehouse. Regardless, any and all staff are 'free-game' and monetarily compensated for any time they spend 'working' in their off hours.


The tradition originates from the custom of introducing yourself politely to new neighbors. On the ground the custom would be to bring a baked dessert to the new resident but on the airliners the apartments were very private so instead, every month the host would organize a huge celebration to welcome any new residents and let the existing residents get a look at the people they'd be sharing the sky with.
According to Khegsar etiquette it is expected that any new resident should 'interact, either privately or in an appropriate forum with the staff before spending any intimate time with other residents.' This sentence was intended to mean that a professional should ensure you're properly prepared, in mind and body for the type of experience living on the airliner entails. However, some took it to mean they needed a check-list of staff to bang before they were allowed to cruise among the other residents.


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