Mekki Hloupý Species in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

Mekki Hloupý

Allegran Dromedary; Bone Camels

Imagine my surprise to discover a whole new species of animal completely unknown to the Dannamore! I may be the first civilized Allegran to lay eyes on these homely creatures! Camels with large, ugly plates of bone sticking out from their spines?! The stuff of nightmares! I'm going to try petting it.
— Nariman Zandos
During his travels with the grasslanders, famous explorer Nariman Zandos discovered an entire breed of dromedary that has seemingly adapted strong defenses against the many dangers lurking across the vast open landscape. Their general shape remains that of a camel; long legs to keep their bodies away from the hot earth, two 'humps' of fat that store water, and a long neck to help reach both grass and tree branch. The most obvious adaptation is the large mass of bone and cartilage that rises from the spine of the dromedaries and protects the entire back. These organic structures are surprisingly light for how strong they are and are an effective deterant against regional airborn predators. Nariman noted that he'd observed them used in what was likely a mating ritual, one female using them to subdue an agressive rival, functioning as a unique variation of antlers.
The aptly named Camel Bone clan are the tribal equivalent to roaming market and boast an impressive number of mekki hloupý that they trade among the clans as well as for the more common uses and benefits of having such creatures present.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Allegran dromedary mostly sustains itself on the low foliage of the southern prairies. Grass, wheat, and brush are their primary nourishment and they're capable of using their strong hooves to dig up roots and find water.
Their bones are found to be incredibly strong and I believe that their bodies are particularly adept at absorbing the titanium from the dirt and pebbles in their diet. The dryer areas of the southern prairies have a great deal of metal-rich top-soil, likely from years of spherestorms depositing materials for centuries on end. I'd love to run some tests to find out if their bodies absorb any sort of element present in their food or if they're metabolically keyed to metals due to it's usual role in bone growth.
— Nariman Zandos - Dannamore University Researcher

Additional Information


It's impossible to tell how long the Vererant have kept these docile heaps of fur as herd animals however since there were no reports of seeing them wild throughout his journeys and notes. It's assumed by most who ponder these things that the species died out due to some unknown predator or environmental change that they couldn't adapt to. According to one member of the tribe their stories about the 'mekki hloupý' go back as far as their tradition of storytelling itself.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These amazing creatures have many helpful uses and are vital to the survival of several entire clans. Males produce a thick milk at the slightest provocation and can be milked several times a week if properly nourished. Depending on the desired use, their fur can be harvested and used in many different ways. The wooly underside makes for an excellent insulator and is used to pad their traveling packs, boots, and heavier clothing, for example.

Average Intelligence

These impressively evolved dromedaries are barely more intelligent than the dirt they often accidentally ingest. They seem to only have two modes; hide and lay down. Now, the second option is obvious when you have a giant pointy shield mounted to your back, but hiding in the middle of an open plain when you have a giant pointy shield mounted on your back is ridiculous. Although they have a powerful sense of hearing, anything avian usually has the benefit of surprise against one of these awkward camels. Follow that up with the fact that thier spinal antlers can frequently interfere with the animals' vision and it's difficult to gauge whether the beast does not recognize a threat when it sees one or if it simply can't see anything at all!
Scientific Name
Tylopoda Ossis'scutum
Conservation Status
Likely extinct save for the few thousand living in domestication among the nomadic human tribe living in the southern prairies of Allegri.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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