Dark-Heart Revelation Tradition / Ritual in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

Dark-Heart Revelation

Celebrating the Fulfillment of Prophecy

Every year during the summer months the two stars orbiting Kaos align and create a type of convergence that triggers a spectacular light show at the Unresting Plateau. The location was prophesied by a heblin Heart-Seeker centuries ago and was the basis for the major shift in lifestyle that eventually spread to the entire species.
There are many secrets among the diminutive heblin but none so closely guarded as the reasons behind their Dark-Heart Revelation celebrations. Despite their arrogance, it has always served the smaller folk to be underestimated and by keeping their prophecy about an ancient primordial deity secret the heblin managed to learn something of the world that no other could - Bright-Soul and Dark-Heart are real and still touch the realm in ways that are not yet understood.
Yet despite the remaining mystery, heblin across Allegri celebrate and party each year when the two celestial bodies with the same deific names reach a convergence with the plateau named for their long search and dedication to finding it. Over the centuries the heblin have shown equal dedication to continuting their celebrations as they did in locating the Unresting Plateau in to begin with. Unless circumstances are dire, all heblin caravans across Allegri make it a priority to visit during the Dark-Heart Revelation and it has become something of a summit where marriages are celebrated, travel routes are exchanged among the chiefs, and stories are told.


All heblin caravans roam Allegri through every season however many visit the base of the mountain that holds the unresting plateau every year. It is an important part of heblin culture and one of their most guarded secrets. They don't generally explain their holidays and celebrations to outsiders unless in dire need of assistance for some reason and even then will usually swear the others to secrecy before sharing cultural information - especially the location of the unresting plateau.
Primary Related Location
Related Ethnicities
Allegran Heblin


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