The almost death of an almost god Part 4 in Kallevaar | World Anvil
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The almost death of an almost god Part 4

Featherwing wrapped its tail around Edwin-Lilly, carrying him safely down to the floor. It felt a little like fate that they met here on this day. Maybe there was a chance for it to go on adventures despite the earlier setback.

Edwin had started gathering his things again, taking out his notebook in the process. With Aeglos on his arm he looked over to Featherwing.

"Hey Featherwing. What species are you? I'd need it for a book on all kinds of living things in the world." He hadn't forgotten his research despite the odd situations he occasionally got into.

"I don't know? I mean you gave me a name, but I am me and my mother looked like me. I don't think anyone invented a word for multiple of us, especially since I have never seen another of my kind after my mother died," Featherwing tilted its head before continuing: "But where did you come from? Are you out on adventures? I'd like to go on some adventures."

"Right. I'll figure out a name for that sometime then. Now I'm currently studying creatures all over the world, which is why I'm ... well you could say on an adventure. I guess you could come along if you'd like. I could use an assisstant. To many more adventures I guess."

And this is how Edwin-Lilly found his second assistand on his adventures and secret co-author of "Wonders of Nature: A study of species." Seems like research grants really weren't everything.


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