Rohila's Crusaders Organization in Kalin | World Anvil

Rohila's Crusaders

Worshipping the long dead leader of the Balmoth Crusades, Rohila’s Crusaders is a group of religious fanatics who are continuing the Crusade that ended centuries ago against the Gir’An of the north.   However Rohila’s Crusaders don’t see much difference between a Norseman of the Northern Tribes or an actual Gir’An. As a result they tend to kill almost anyone or anything they find in the North.   The group is made up of various peoples of various backgrounds and skill sets. From overzealous Paladins to lowly bakers.   They are based somewhere in the mountains, though only members of the Crusaders know exactly where. It is also unknown where they find the funding and material for their distinctive red armor.
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level