The Praehedron Conglomerate Organization in Kaldra | World Anvil
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The Praehedron Conglomerate

Years before the Unification of the Imperial Dominion of Spayle, the "Prehedrano Società" (lit. "The Society of Praehedron") existed, and many believe it was the first Republic of Kaldra. This collection of the city-states in the Praehedron Coast worked trade agreements between the others for years, setting up the largest port in the world.   This loose organization of cities and inner-trade relationships prioritized the maximization of trade while respecting each individual city's independence. This group had created laws and regulations in order to protect themselves and serve the community, all while benefitting from increased cooperation.   When The Dominion demanded their annex into the Empire, the clever Praehedrons negotiated a contract allowing them mobility and autonomy... as long as the monthly taxes were paid to The Dominion for "protection".   Since the signing of this contract, known as "The Treaty of Trade" to those involved, business was very good for Praehedron. Several other trade agreements were made in the name of the Dominion and in the passing decades their ports would help manage the sprawling empire it soon became. It was because of this infrastructure, most agree, that Spanch is the most common language in the world.   Over the coming years, this alliance would stand to benefit both parties as The Dominion began to rely heavily on their trading partners to export and import wares all over Kaldra. This was the "golden age" of this alliance, where those within the Dominion began to view the Conglomerate as true allies.   To the people of Praehedron, this was much different. The unification between The Conglomerate and The Dominion has always been one of business to them. As such, each new leader would try to find a new way to exploit the treaty to Praehedron's benefit and, as the years passed, the Treaty of Trade felt more and more constricting to the people of the Coast. Business was business, though, and the monthly "tribute" was a decent trade for the protection and lucrative ventures they acquired from the union... Most of the time. Other times the cost would fluctuate, especially in cases of war, causing discomfort and discontent within the Conglomerate, but the payments always continued.   After Myst Day, however, the idea of sending their hard-earned money to distant overlords as the Dominion was slowly chipped away like the rest of the Empires of Kaldra has begun to weigh upon the people of the Praehedron Coast.   Will they continue to support The Dominion, leading to a more cohesive Empire but a weaker Duchy? Or will they find a way to break the Treaty, ensuring their own future but possibly dooming The Dominion?   Only time will tell...


The Conglomerate is a strange mixture of monarchic and corporate powers, comprised of six key families who make up their leadership. These families control the various markets of the area, each of them being from a different city-state in Praehedron. On their own, the families seek to further their interests and the interests of their respective cities, caring for their people in a rather altruistic yet tidy and economic way. Together as the Conglomerate, they run a fairly successful government, with Trade relations in every corner of the globe.    One of these families are given the responsibility of leadership, with their family head becoming the overseer of the entire Conglomerate. This leader, called a Duke by The Dominion and "Chairman" by Praehedron, is reported to by the leaders of the other families and the position changes hands after the current one dies. By Praehedron Law, this title cannot go to the "heir" of the former Chairman, however, their heir usually gets other benefits.   Instead, there is an election held by the families. In times past, these elections have been almost sacred in their meaning with each family electing who they believe will do the best job, but on more than one occasion each family has only voted for themselves, leaving the "heir" with the deciding vote. Because of this, the "heir" usually has a bit more weight in these proceedings, and his vote counts as two in times of a tie.   They include:
  • The Lawry Family of  (Wyvern-hot Spices)
  • The Trenholm Family (Trenholm Textiles)
  • The Carne Family (Wooden It Be Nice)
  • The Teague Family (Pyre Racy Shipping)
  • The Hender Family (Fired Forge)
  • The Pendarvis Family (Alcohol Alchemy)
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Protectorate
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Semi-autonomous area
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Official Languages
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations
    Notable Members

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