Cobalt Shard Item in Kaldra | World Anvil
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Cobalt Shard

The deep blue "Cobalt Shard" or "Shard of the Sea" grants its wielder simple control of bodies of water, even rain (but it must be raining to control the rain) and many of the creatures that live in them. This power is not reliable, but the Shard of the Sea has been known to tame Sea Serpents and Krakens alike. (Costs 4 FP, roll against Will vs Will).   Wielders of this gem have been known to make their ships move faster on the open sea and conquer sea beasts and locate islands. Every user of this gem has been some sort of sailor at one point or another, which is good because the Shard of the Sea tests those who wield it by introducing them to a mind flaying terror. Those without the willpower to resist his calls fail the test and usually become lunch for a underdwelling horror.   If the Shards were a human body, the Cobalt Shard would be the veins of the group - keeping all of the essential parts healthy and delivering the nutrients they need.


Those who master the Shard of the Sea have supreme power over their fears and are said to become Unfazable. This is a honor in of itself, but those who know of the Shards will look at this wielder with a mixture of fear AND respect.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Related Technologies
Only one exists in the world.
About 8 oz
Spherical, 2.5" in Diameter

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