Candid Clover Species in Kaldra | World Anvil
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Candid Clover

The Cascious Ramonirous, or the "Candid Clover" as its come to be known, is a hard to find flower that is the main ingredient in Truth Serums.

Basic Information


Short green plant with a white and teal pedaled flower and a round bulb.

Ecology and Habitats

Found on rocky terrain where the air is clear and thin, usually at high altitudes on mountains.

Additional Information


This plant only grows in the wild and in climates that are hard to get to, so many Herbalists use bees to do their work for them. This makes the end product weaker, but it is safer and more renewable.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It's nectar holds powers of persuasion and the most common way this is found is in honey, although its effects are easier to resist. The most potent forms come when making a tea with the flower itself, but this of course destroys the rare plant.
5 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

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