Children of Elisagoth

This is the story witnessed in dreams, a celebration of the brave children who guided the previous age out from the void, so their sacrifices might not be forgotten. The people who observe the holiday are said to be descendants of these people, though the factuality of the story as a whole has yet to be decided.


The world the people knew: an endless void of nothingness that snatched away all imagination. No one hungered, for there was no food; No one dreamt, for there was no rest; No one created, for there were no tools. Life did start, reproduce, and end, though it might not have seemed that way for all was the same. All there was to do was to wait.

Parents taught their offspring to stay close, for many became lost in the void, or taken. Despite the creation of more of themselves, the people seemed to shrink. No one grew too old, it was only after a time that they would vanish. It was a frightful thing, that someone you might be near could no longer be there and there would be no way for you to tell until they no longer responded. Those who wandered off never were heard from again. So the lesson was passed down, do not leave.

One day, dreams came to the sleeping. Rest was frightful, a time where you disappear and only have a chance to come back. You yourself may never come back from the void. But then, dreams came, a promise against the void. It wasn’t just one who dreamed, but all the children. The parents did not believe in the fantasy, unable to comprehend. The children attended to their parents dutifully, though they knew from one another the truth. In the distance, witnessed in their slumber with a sensation there but useless, they saw. Far off, beyond the void, shone something they called light.

To reach that light, the people had to first leave. The children's whispers became open conversations, then questions, then begging, then demanding. The adults were afraid, why would they trust a fantasy they could not know to lead them to what they knew must be certain death? Ludicrous, they would say. Still, their numbers dwindled, soon would be the end of all.

The children, they left, they left the safety of their elders. They heard the light, it called to them in the waking as much as it shown in their dreams. The parents were first to worry, the first to have faith in something they did not know. They left too, following their children. Then, fearful of their small numbers and a lacking of continued life, the rest followed suit. The pilgrimage began, setting forth into the void.

The children lead, the hushed words shared the same: Elisagoth. Hope burned in their hearts, bright enough for others to see. A sense they’d always had, but never could distinguish. The children, they burned with auras, beacons in the void. It was all the worse when one of those beacons, like generations before, would vanish. The children were being taken by the void. Without their guides, the people were doomed. Yet they pressed on, the children undeterred.

Then, the elders were graced with the other new sense, of sight. A prick in the distance came, then grew as they approached. Spires came into view. Streets of gold and trees of silver came next, all glistening and splendid. Elisgoth had been found.

The people rejoiced, they had found safety from the void, a place to grow and flourish. And they did prosper, no longer would the frightful void take them. They were able to think of one another, of greater ideals, of philosophy, of faith. In the great hall, they feasted, food laid out for them in delicacies none could savor long enough. At night, all dreamt, never afraid that the void may take them then either. Even if they could not remember, they knew they dreamt, and they were safe. And more did the Eilisagoth provide within its walls of dream, startling ideas of silk, language, and art. They made things themselves, weaving their silk into tapestries that told a story and looked beautiful with their new sense of sight. And it is from these people, who eventually conquered the void and brought light to the world, that we will dream in remembrance of forevermore.
Elisagoth has a transitory belief in its existence, some claim it’s the capital of Thjoja, some say it’s an ancient place lost to time, others say it’s a metaphor. I lean towards the metaphor since it has a strange interaction with the faith it’s supposed to be a part of. The Dreulbe faith is supposed to be about oneness, closedness, and, most importantly, living in one place unless on solitary pilgrimage.
— Witch of Knowledge


The story is told before bed to all the young. Observed by a select region of people in north-western Yassa Fossa, the night occurs at the correct time every six years. The date changes and it is up to the wayfaring dream sage who will come to the town to let others partake in their dreaming. A caste of these people roam, new additions every occurrence, and originate from, as they claim, Elisagoth. They are the Children of Elisagoth, or so they tell the children they visit. Adults know them to either be village sages or emissaries from afar who only wish to spread the word.

Metaphorical and almost goes against the greater dreulbe faith with its messaging Those who wish to participate, typically a Vshawen Phora and her Phori, parents and their children to continue the legacy, or those who otherwise wish to pay homage will gather in one household. The Child of Elisagoth will bring out their Blanket of the Void and use it as a story-telling device during the evening’s twilight. The story has with it words in an enchantment, a soothing melody to send everyone to sleep.

Once asleep, the true ritual begins. The Child of Elisagoth will link the dreams of those around them and lucidly dream the memory of the tale. All participants become embodied in the children the tale is of. They dream within the dream of Elisagoth, a vagueness of brilliance. They lead their people and eventual revel within the city. Upon waking, festivities are held, typically a large potluck to go along with the singing, dancing, and merrymaking.

Components & Tools

The only tool used is the Blanket of the Void, an intricate weaving depicting all major events of the story. There is nothing special about the blanket, no enchantments or jewels, just colorful silk in delicate artistry. It is up to the visiting Child of Elisagoth to cast their sleep spell and link dreams. When a blanket is too used and can no longer be an exemplary story-telling device, it will be replaced with another. The blankets are quite costly to make and are only made by the Children of Elisagoth from wherever they come from.

A place of slumber should be obvious. Since people only know the year of the event, it’s typically established upon the conclusion of one event who would house the next. They will prepare a room and fill it with cushions, blankets, and pools of sleep water for all their guests.


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Jan 1, 2022 00:08

Interesting story and mythos. Is it all species or just the scorpion people?

Jan 1, 2022 00:21

Thank you. It's all species, though predominantly the scorpion people. Children being more the worker scorpions and adults the royals. It's meant to be sort of a listen to everyone despite their class sort of story along with the other symbolisms.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.