Islands in the estuary
The river flows past the Citadel and widens. By the time it reaches the sea it is too wide to cross, except by boat. Within the estuary are a handful of islands. They are always shrouded in mist, and no one is sure exactly how many there are, as no one visits.
The dragons avoided these islands, as something about the islands repulsed them. There was enough other areas to fly over, so they left the islands alone. Since the dragons retreated to the mountains the clans continued to leave the islands alone.
The waters round the islands are full of submerged rocks and unexpected cross currents. So it is dangerous to approach them by boat, and most fish avoid them as well. This means that there is little desire among the fishers to try to approach the islands.
Old stories say that if you go there on the spring solstice then you will receive what you deserve. A few people used to attempt it every year, but never returned. The dragons used to patrol the water's edge to stop foolhardy youngsters trying to reach the islands as the fatality rate was so high. Since the dragons ended and the clans took over the superstition ahs been forgotten and no one visits the islands at all.
As spring approaches the mist lessens, but never completely. It seems to entice those to dare to attempt the crossing. The closest island to the Bear side has a gentle slope and what could be trees, or could be remains of ruined columns on top. It is difficult to tell from the shore. The smaller islands are equally mysterious, covered in mist on even the hottest summer day. No animal is ever seen on the sands, or flying overhead.
Boats passing near the islands claim noises follow them. On a bad day cawing and shrieking from the depths. On a good day songs painting stories of other worlds, other magics and other heroes.