Norgard Settlement in Kaevil | World Anvil
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The capital city of Raendor and seat of power of House Raendor   It has a small but impenetrable citadel which is the home of Duke Elias.  It was built originally as a northern outpost of Malmor before House Raendor gained their own status as a noble house.     Built of the local hard rock and improved over the centuries since, the citadel of Norgard now stands as a brutal and undecorated challenge to all foes, half of its chambers delved into the mountain against which it stands.   The city beyond the citadel is also walled with high walls, but its population is modest for such an important settlement and the laws there are harsh and uncompromising.   Those who dwell there must labour there for the causes of House Raendor and daily prove their loyalty with their toil.
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