Session 31 - Eidyla's Call Report in Kadmeian Mysteries | World Anvil
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Session 31 - Eidyla's Call

General Summary

In the shadowy confines of their makeshift council, the party (minus Ischyrós) engaged in a fervent discourse concerning the recent turmoil wrought by Xenobia. Pyro soon lost interest, his attention ensnared by the trivial dance of a lone cricket. Amidst the strategizing, Theresa put forth a proposition, urging Xenobia and the distracted Pyro to venture back to the city, offering apologies in Candid's stead—an idea to which Candid conceded.   The air thickened with tension as debate ensued, only to be pierced by Pyro's inquisitive challenge: "Why?" His rationale unfurled—a speculation that Polydoros, a figure known for his martial proclivities, might be compelled by his own interests to rectify the chaos birthed by Sisyphus' machinations. While this notion seeded a blend of understanding and skepticism within the group, Candid stood firm, unswayed by the prospect of leaving his sanctuary or the unlikely assistance of Polydorus. The group's unity flickered in the dim light, reflecting the uncertainty and complex choices that lay ahead.   Amid the lingering echoes of their debate, Master Phasias, the estate's owner, interjected, casting a veil of suspicion over the party's valor. With pointed scrutiny, he challenged their heroism, noting their enjoyment of his hospitality yet their failure to conquer the serpent that plagued the land. Candid, with a tone of weary resignation, posited that the beast was beyond the reach of their blades—a serpent unslayable. Such a confession, however, did little to allay the owner's growing apprehensions.   Phasias articulated a stark ultimatum, suggesting that harboring the party, now marked adversaries of the serpent, only invited peril upon his estate. Candid, ever the diplomat, endeavored to placate the owner's fears, pledging to confront the creature post-recovery. Yet, his words fell on skeptical ears.   In a bid to mend the fraying alliance, Pyro proposed a compromise, suggesting the summoning of Polydoros as a gesture to fortify their commitment and appease the owner's anxieties. The suggestion momentarily kindled a flicker of agreement, until the reality of organizing a grand bacchanalia—an endeavor requiring weeks and vast resources—dawned upon the owner. Faced with this impracticality, he delivered a final edict: the party must vacate his domain. The air hung heavy with tension, as the once-hospitable refuge turned into an unwelcoming crossroads for the adventurers.   Cast adrift from the estate, the air around the party grew colder, their sanctuary now a mere memory. Under Theresa's steadfast leadership, they retraced their steps to the familiar grotto. There, ensconced in the grotto's protective shadows, the party's deliberations rekindled, a shared resolve to confront the machinations of Sisyphus simmering among them. Yet, Candid, still nursing his wounds, remained adamant in his resolve to convalesce before embarking on any perilous ventures.   In a bid to circumvent their impasse, Theresa and Pyro, proposed a reconnaissance mission. Their plan: to gather intelligence, an endeavor that might tilt the scales in their forthcoming confrontation with Sisyphus.   Xenobia, her heart heavy with loyalty, chose to remain at Candid's side, her watchful eyes a silent vow to protect. As the others prepared to step into the veil of the unknown, the grotto became a tableau of unity and solitude, each member of the party tethered by a common cause yet isolated by their chosen paths.   As Theresa and Pyro departed on their clandestine journey, Candid sought refuge in the healing embrace of rest, his guardian Xenobia venturing into the wilderness in search of sustenance. Her hunt was fruitful, yet the tranquility was shattered by the distant rumble of chariots, a harbinger of unwelcome visitors.   Xenobia's instincts led her towards the ominous sounds, her heart sinking as she realized the peril was converging on Candid's location. Concealed within nature's cloak, she eavesdropped on a search party's scheming, their intent malevolently focused on her and Pyro. Torn between her duty and her survival, she retreated into the shadows, a silent prayer for Candid's safety escaping her lips.   The search party's presence eventually waned, allowing Xenobia to return to their makeshift haven, only to be met with Candid's absence, an ominous void where once he had rested. With a heavy heart, she persisted in her survival routine, the night passing in an uneasy vigil.   Dawn's light brought no comfort, only the enigmatic presence of a nymph at their camp. The celestial being's  words were cryptic yet poignant, suggesting a solitary path for Xenobia towards Eidyla, a city whispered to be a crucible of destinies. With reverence and a touch of reluctance, Xenobia accepted the nymph's counsel, embarking on a solitary journey, her spirit tethered to the hope of reuniting with her comrades, yet compelled by the allure of her unfolding destiny.  
* * *
Theresa and Pyro's journey to Eidyla unfolded their adept transformations, allowing them to navigate the city's thresholds as an unassuming elderly couple. Their crafted personas—seasoned with tales of unvisited sons and the allure of newfound longevity attributed to Sisyphus—secured their passage through the city gates, their subterfuge sweetened with a gift of honey to the guards.   Inside Eidyla's bustling embrace, the duo swiftly adapted to their urban surroundings. Their encounter with an aoidos celebrating Sisyphus's defiance of death provided them with crucial insight into the tyrant's use of Thanatos chain, a piece of knowledge that sharpened their mission's focus.   Their strategy diversified within the city's confines: Theresa ventured into commerce, her dealings in wine and honey echoing the resourcefulness of a seasoned merchant, while Pyro, adopting the guise of the cat Georgos, embarked on a reconnaissance mission within the palace's shadowy perimeters.   The duo's adaptability was further showcased when Theresa, under the guise of a young girl, introduced Georgos to the guards, weaving a narrative that allowed the feline Pyro to scout the compound with minimal suspicion. Yet, despite Pyro's nocturnal prowlings, the elusive whereabouts of Thanatos remained a mystery, though soon, whispers of Candid's presence within the compound stirred new intrigue.   Homeless, Pyro's impromptu serenade among a congregation of elders, celebrating their newfound reprieve from mortality, garnering goodwill and camaraderie.   After reuniting, Theresa and Pyro recalibrated their strategy amidst the city's pulsating life, aligning their priorities toward unveiling Thanatos' fate while the shadow of Candid's situation loomed subtly in the background.  
* * *
Candid, ensnared by fate's unpredictable weave, found himself amidst a tableau far removed from the freedom of the grotto. Surrounded by a mix of foot soldiers and charioteers, his situation seemed dire, yet the absence of chains or harsh treatment hinted at an unusual kind of captivity. Whisked away to the opulent confines of Sisyphus's palace, Candid was immersed in a paradoxical hospitality, where the care for his wounds and the comfort provided belied the undercurrents of a deeper intrigue.   As he was summoned before Sisyphus, Candid stepped into a realm where power and immortality were flaunted with a veneer of generosity. The king's inquiries about Pyro and Xenobia, intertwined with boasts of his dominion over death, set the stage for a conversation fraught with veiled strategies. Candid's revelation of his own escape from Hades piqued the king's interest, hinting at a potential collaboration or, perhaps, a deeper manipulation.   Meanwhile, Xenobia, driven by a blend of concern and courage, confronted her own fate at the palace gates, only to be ushered into the heart of the king's domain. Her arrival coincided with a critical juncture, as Sisyphus, ever the schemer, posited a proposition that seemed to dangle the chance of unity for the scattered party.
Report Date
26 Mar 2024
Secondary Location


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