Session 13 - Friends of Distinction: Going in Circles Report in Kadmeian Mysteries | World Anvil
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Session 13 - Friends of Distinction: Going in Circles

General Summary

After a brief respite in the entry chamber, the intrepid party once again embarked into the depths of the Labyrinth. Guided by Theresa's unwavering memory, they traversed the familiar passageways, their footsteps echoing in the ancient corridors. The decision was made to venture south, venturing into an uncharted realm of the labyrinth.   However, before reaching their destination, they once again passed beneath a ceiling adorned with sinister, hissing holes. Theresa forged ahead, her companions following closely behind. Yet, a shrewd Abraxas, sensing the treachery in the air, warned the party of the potential danger lurking within those nefarious apertures. Channeling his magic, he unleashed tremors that shook the holes with mighty force. Alas, Pyro oblivious to Abraxas' cautionary words, disregarded the warning and neared the perilous openings. As if sprung from a malevolent enchantment, a horde of serpents emerged from the dark recesses, poised to strike.   Two serpents lunged at Pyro, their fangs poised to deliver venomous wrath, while another slithered towards Lenora its sinister gaze fixated on its prey. The party, their hearts aflame with valor, engaged in a fierce battle against the vipers. Ischyrós wielding a sling with lethal accuracy, Abraxas and Theresa, their arcane prowess weaving spells of protection, and Xenobia brandishing her mighty spear, fought with unmatched skill and determination. Despite their valiant efforts, Lenora was wounded, and Pyro had inexplicably vanished from sight.   As the dust settled, their eyes fell upon an unconscious badger, and it did not take long for them to realize that it was none other than Pyro, transformed by some eldritch magic. Acting swiftly, Abraxas and Theresa stabilized the enigmatic creature, which began to retch and convulse. And then, as suddenly as it had appeared, the badger transformed back into Pyro, battered and bewildered. The party, their hearts heavy with concern, tended to their wounded and weary companion. Pressing on, the party ventured deeper into the uncharted realm of the labyrinth. It was there that they stumbled upon a golden gourd, its radiance casting a warm glow upon their faces. Recognizing the need for caution, Abraxas prepared a ritual to discern the true nature of this mystical artifact. Through his magical incantations, he revealed that the gourd possessed psychotropic properties, promising a journey into other worlds.   After a spirited discussion, Theresa, her eyes gleaming with curiosity, proposed a transformative experiment. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a swarm of bees, who diligently set to work extracting the gourd's sap. Five minutes passed, and a jar of honey, infused with the essence of the gourd, stood before them. Turning to Pyro, Theresa offered the honey, its tantalizing aroma promising rejuvenation and ephemeral euphoria. Pyro, daring and ever willing to explore uncharted territories, partook of the honey, feeling a surge of renewed vigor and a touch of ethereal bliss. Reporting his findings to the party, Pyro's words ignited a sense of foreboding within their psyches as they proceeded further, down a flight of stairs that emitted an enchanting green glow.   As they descended, the stairs became adorned with a patch of rusty moss, the same malevolent flora that had earlier afflicted Pyro with its icy grip. Theresa, her fingers entwined with wintry magic, cast a spell upon the malignant substance, observing as it seemingly recoiled, writhing and growing in response to the spell's frosty touch. Seeking counsel from Lenora, the bearer of ancient knowledge, Theresa learned that this peculiar moss thrived by siphoning heat from its surroundings, an ominous adaptation of nature itself. Determined to neutralize the threat, Theresa retrieved a jar of potent acid from her inventory, casting it upon the moss with precision and efficacy, dissolving it into inert remnants. The party, now unimpeded, continued their descent down the stairs.   Upon reaching the bottom, their eyes beheld a nest teeming with glowing green eggs, their luminescence casting an otherworldly aura upon the chamber. While Abraxas harbored the desire to conduct another ritual of identification, Theresa, her instincts attuned to the treacherous nature of their surroundings, voiced her concerns regarding the potential return of the eggs' guardians. Thus, with caution as their guide, they pressed onward, leaving the mysterious eggs behind, their secrets forever concealed.   Alas, the gods seemed intent on testing their resolve once more. As they advanced, a familiar sight greeted their eyes—an expanse of rust-colored moss, flourishing with life and malevolence. Theresa, her arsenal of acid depleted, confronted an impasse. Yet, undeterred by adversity, the party made a collective decision to retrace their steps, hoping that the blood-sucking vines they had previously encountered would prove to be a more manageable obstacle.   With unwavering determination, the party retraced their path, rounding the corner near the formidable statue. Abraxas, his voice resonating with defiance, goaded the vines from a distance, daring them to reveal their true nature. Pyro, emboldened by his companion's challenge, followed suit, while Theresa conjured her frosty magic once more, wielding it as a weapon against the encroaching tendrils. Xenobia and Lenora, their weapons gleaming in the dim light, unleashed their formidable skills, daggers and spears cutting through the air with deadly precision. Ischyros, the master of the sling, unleashed a barrage of stones, each finding its mark with uncanny accuracy. The vines, ensnared by the party's coordinated onslaught, succumbed to their superior might, vanquished with little resistance. The party cleared the vines that clung to the chamber's outer walls, leaving only a solitary patch untouched within.   Exhausted and battered, the party recognized the need for rest. They retraced their steps, seeking solace within the confines of the first room they had encountered. In the dimness of that chamber, they settled, their wearied bodies yearning for rest. Time ceased to hold sway, blurring the boundaries between day and night as the somber party succumbed to a well-deserved slumber.   When their eyes fluttered open once more, a renewed sense of purpose guided their steps. Backtracking toward the lingering threat of the blood-sucking vines, they made a startling discovery. The gourds they had previously encountered had either been replenished or regenerated, their allure beckoning the hungry souls within the labyrinth. With Pyro leading the way, his stomach guiding his actions, he consumed one of the gourds without consequence. Eagerly, he shared the bounty with his comrades, their spirits uplifted as they collected more of these mystical fruits. The party, fortified and emboldened, resumed their journey, their destination fixed in their minds as they approached the patch of lively vines that had lingered in their thoughts.   Ever watchful, Pyro carefully navigated the treacherous terrain, his companions shadowing his every move. Sensing an opportunity, Theresa summoned her frosty magic, provoking the vines into a vicious assault upon Pyro. Ensnared and enveloped by the writhing tendrils, Pyro's fate seemed sealed. Yet, the indomitable spirit of the party shone through as they fought tooth and nail to free their fallen comrade. With a final surge of strength and determination, the party prevailed, freeing Pyro from the clutches of the relentless vines. Coughing in pain, Pyro rose to his feet, his spirit subdued but unbroken. The harrowing encounter had left an indelible mark upon his soul.   Pressing forward, the party crossed yet another threshold, greeted by the sight of another nest adorned with glowing green eggs in the shape of a skull. It was then that Xenobia, ever perceptive, noticed Pyro's somber countenance and sought to understand the burden he carried. Her inquiry prompted a heartfelt response from Pyro, who lamented the apparent lack of vigilance and unity within the team. Determined to bridge the divide, Theresa stepped forward, offering words of peace and understanding. The party, united once more by a shared sense of purpose, pledged to stand as one against the perils that lay ahead. Just then, Abraxas reached out and touched one of the eggs, and a green glowing presence began to form around them...
Report Date
04 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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