The Awakening Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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The Awakening Report

General Summary

While looking for survivors, Vuzath found Benkei seemingly unharmed. His legs now made from solid steel and his body glowing with some internal heat. The two of them found Sayuri's scabbard and retrieved it before Vuzath teleported them back to Abe no Seimei as a wave of Yokai bore down on them. Arriving back in Abe no Seimei, Vuzath and Benkei completed a successful resurrection ritual and managed to pull Genji back from death. The rest of the day was spent resting and recovering. Benkei attempted to meditate and saw a vision of a dark cavern filled with blacksmiths tools that was then flooded by molten steel. He heard a voice say "It's about time. Welcome back Ichirou. My precious Seeker, my Spy. Find Him. Do whatever it takes. Use whatever means necessary." He and Vuzath investigated in the Archives but found nothing of note. The two also discovered a secret room in the ceiling of the Archives that turned out to be a storage room used for the Yokai's "special needs". The following day, they met with the others and decided that their next target would be Agito. They traveled to Miketsukami with the newly completed teleportation sigil, with Genji bringing Soujiro along as per his request. The group had a tense, emotionally charged audience with Suzuha where it was revealed that Soujiro had been Musashi's benefactor and had funded his Yokai-human hybrid experiments. Genji and Soujiro returned to Abe no Seimei and Raishin, Yuuna, Pietdidro, Benkei, and Vuzath ventured into the dessert to speak with Agito. Agito was polite, cordial, even friendly to them. He revealed to them that he abhorred his powers and the way they drag out one's suffering. He explained his mentality to them that he believes battle is dark, grisly, and brutal, and that warfare should be avoided, and that whenever possible, the path of peace should be taken. He begged them to convince Suzuha to evacuate the city and expressed his desire to avoid conflict, even offering to turn a blind eye if they somehow managed to empty the city before morning. Their conversation ended with Agito expressing his regret and respect for the group for daring to stand against the Yonkishi and Yuuna sending a message to Genji letting him know of their situation.
Before the Fall
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Report Date
09 Aug 2019


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