Skirmish in the Grindstones: Aftermath Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Skirmish in the Grindstones: Aftermath Report

General Summary

Benkei, Vuzath, Raishin, Ayaka and Tsukuhana investigated the Disciples ruined camp and found a piece of a broken teleportation Ofuda and a burned parchment hinting at the Yonkishi's true motives. Eventually, everyone regrouped in Tsukuhana's Ravine and departed for Abe no Seimei. A war council was held to decide what to do next. Benkei scryed on Tengoku and learned that Mugen was occupying it. You theorized that the Yonkishi could be occupying various cities around Koryo. Benkei also scryed on Taki Hoshi and discovered that a large portion of it had been destroyed, along with the fact that Sakakibara was there as well. During a break: Vuzath and Genji visited Taizai and visited Kenzo at the Twilight Enclave's guild. Benkei and Raishin also shared a heart to heart conversation about their fear of death. Benkei scryed on Shuten Doji and you entertained the idea of reaching out to members of the Koryo San Dai Aku Yokai. You decided to infiltrate Taki Hoshi and began investigating the city, scoping out the Disciples and their numbers. For the time being, you found refuge in the Salty Seagull pub, owned by a young man named Hiro who offered to help you in your efforts.

Rewards Granted

Benkei received Kiku Ichimonji.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Grindstones were successfully defended,
Before the Fall
Report Date
10 Jun 2019


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