Omens Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Omens Report

General Summary

The group spends the next week recovering and researching the revelations they'd uncovered.  Conradus, seeking to commission a new weapon was told his best bet was to seek the talents of the weaponsmiths of the 3 Dessert cities. He also took up a loose contract with Kakuzu about bringing him Jade samples from the Janjira Jade mines.  Galatea came to the group and informed them that Hiromasa lives in Miketsukami and that they were supposed to meet with him in Feng-Nao at an Izakaya called "The Copper Orchid" in two weeks time. Benkei and Genji encountered an eccentric, elderly Astromancer named Lazarus who is also seeking to hire adventurers to map the locations of the ancient ruins and shrines to the forgotten Kami. Benkei and Genji promised him that the FBI would take him up on his offer. Conradus returned to Seraphix, to the castle cathedral of Joyous Garde and informed the High Abott Viktus Grand of their discovery. He and Genji later brought the relief of Demogorgon to Joyous Garde before attempting research at Abe no Seimei. Mifune also hinted to Conradus that Tamamo no Mae would be a good place to start if they wanted to learn more about where Kyotouryu are forged. Rei also took Benkei on as a tentative student and began teaching him the basics of enchantment, but his efforts went largely unrewarded. However, his constant trips into his home's secret basement seemed to pique the interest of Mugen, whose consciousness still seems to be free and intact. At the end of the week, the group met with Lazarus about his proposition, and Benkei was rewarded with another vision of Kagutsuchi's forge in Yomi where the furious Kami berated him and ordered him to find Izanami.
Before the Fall
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Report Date
22 Dec 2019


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