Black Feathers, Cold Fronts, and the Missing Samurai Report Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Black Feathers, Cold Fronts, and the Missing Samurai Report

General Summary

That night, Tao-Ren summoned the Queensguard and announced that she would be travelling to Faerun in an attempt to stop the other countries from making suicidal attempts to pillage the fallen ruins of Babylon. She departed that night, taking Iho and Shoraku with her. Deciding that it was too risky to pursue their interest in the South with Tao-Ren absent, the group split up and began individual research regarding Demons and Kami, with Conradus returning to Seraphix. While researching in Abe no Seimei a strange dark elf man appeared before Genji and gifted him a strange book titled The Demons of the Infinite Abyss. Strangely enough, no one (not even Mifune) could see the book and had not seen the man. Benkei attempted a conversation with Mugen who appears to know more about Benkei's past than he himself does.  Throughout this, the group notices an abnormal number of crows seemingly following them through the city.  The group reconvened to share information, as well as to discuss the appearance of a strange woman in the city who appears to be a colleague of Lazarus', the disappearance of the samurai Genji had tasked to watch her, and sudden cold fronts that are sweeping through the city. After some paranoid hijinks involving T-posing, Benkei being arrested, and Conradus receiving a note from an anonymous woman telling him to go south to the dessert, a suit of bloody samurai armor was discovered frozen in a park stream. The night came to a head when Genji returned home only to find the man from the archives sitting in his home, having somehow convinced Kayako, Michio, and possibly the rest of their allies that he is a friend. The man revealed himself to be Laxius Seerym of the Twelve Apostles and requested an alliance be formed to kill Nultial and the remaining Apostles.
Before the Fall
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Report Date
09 Feb 2020


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