Marek's Head Settlement in Jushara | World Anvil
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Marek's Head

A small fishing village on the coast south of Terrolin. It was a settlement in good health and well kept and was known for its shipwright, Jormund Dels-son. It had a sparse population.    Contained a main street with several stores, including Aveen's the local tavern, as well as The General Store, a netmaker, and a shipwright.   There was also a statue of Persefone with an alter overlooking the ocean. The residents were a fairly pious people and neutral towards outsiders.    Though there was a sheriff there was little to no crime in the village.    Marek's head elected their town leaders.


50% Human
30% Jotun
20% Other


in 4803 a family began squabbling with the rest of the settlement and eventually it came to violence. This family, the Cautthwaights, headed south seeking to set up a new settlement. They have not been heard from since.   Recently, raids by and Elves from the Greenwood have claimed several dozen lives. The elected mayor died in 4827 and though his daughter has shown little interest, many want her to take his place.
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