Dome of the Delegates Building / Landmark in Jushara | World Anvil
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Dome of the Delegates

The Dome of the Delegates is a sprawling arena like dome, on the Octant of The Twins , in Yorgen. It is the location that the Council meets. Located on the southern Island, the Dome is surrounded by the The Wall of the Fallen , which is both functionally a wall and also a memorial to those that have died in the line of duty in service to Yorgen.   The Dome covers the grand chamber, which is divided into three sections, each lower and smaller than the previous. The largest is the Citizen's audience, which permits limited sound out of it, but allows as many as 10,000 citizens to view the proceedings. Each seat has a small panel on the back of it, allowing the chair behind it to "Vote" with their opinion. To use it, the citizen places their hand on it, and the seat glows with a corresponding color.    The second section is the Delegates chairs, which is composed of the 240 delegates from each neighborhood of the city. Similar to the citizen's seats, the delegates can vote on different measures and proposals via a panel, though this displays one of 3 options, which is Blue for yes, Orange for no, and Grey for abstaining.   The third is the Councior's Pulpits. This section can always be heard above all else, and is reserved for the 8 Councilor's and the scribes that record all things said.

Purpose / Function

The seat of power for the Confederacy of Yorgen. It allows citizens to be seen, express their feelings, and for delegates and councilors to vote on laws and govermental decisions.


The vast dome is painted and enchanted with a stylized real time view of the Confederacy.
Government complex
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Owning Organization

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