Canim War Military Conflict in Jushara | World Anvil
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Canim War

The Canim Invasion occurred in 4766, when a massive invasion fleet of Canim sacked Western Thrask and created a foothold.

The Conflict


Outer Islands of the nation of Ankamoor began dropping out of contact. In the spring of 4776, a enormous fleet dispersed massive quantities of troops across ankamoor, from 3 locations.


The 1st Canim invasion fleet dispersed 3 main forces, comprised of 4 clans each in the north, south and central coasts of Ankamoor. The Canim ships were large, but extremely bulky and neither agile, nor well armed. The troops deployed began slaughtering everyone they could find, creating further footholds for more landing forces.


Ankamoor was the primary point of invasion, though a secondary force assaulted Braydon, but was rebuffed, thanks to the warnings magically sent from Ankamoor. Braydon's Navy, while small, was able to inflict significant casualties on the inferior and sluggish canim ships. It is believed a 3rd force deployed into the Dead Marches, based on reports of beached ships, perhaps because the Canim where not familiar with the Marches, or the undead horrors that dwell there.


The spring was harsh, with a late winter, which hampered deployment of defensive troops and reinforcements.

The Engagement

The Canim won almost every land battle, at least initially, and Ankamoor, despite its martial prowess, fell, in less than two months, overwhelmed by the masses and ferocity of the Canim and their Gnawzeem allies.


Near annihilation of the Nation of Ankamoor, its greatest cities sacked, and its people fled to the winds.


The Confederacy of Yorgen barely held back the tides of Canim, and with the loss of two of its most agrarian octants to the Canim, is on a constant wartime footing on the "Canim Front". Nations across Thrask send troops, annually to support the line that is held by Yorgen and Resh, which is largely anchored by the Red River Wall, an enormous fortification that runs hundreds of miles along the Krasnyn River. Many of the clergy of more martially minded Gods also raise troops to fight on the front.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Ankamoor was destroyed. The Canim were held, barely, after destroying two Yorgen Octants and reaching the borders of Resh



Unknown, but vast
Nearly a million troops mustered over the course of the war.


Unknown, but certainly in the 100's of thousands
more than around 1.1 million civilian casualties, around 1.4 million military over the course of the war.


Seizure of land
Defense of land, Survival

Articles under Canim War


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